1984--one of the best years of all time

From Create Your Own Story

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Lights flare and every equipment on your time machine goes wild. The reactor core starts to light up with power then there's a large thumping noise as the fabric of space and time is bent to send you back to the past. You feel suddenly exhausted by the enterprise and pass out as the machine send you to the past

When you wake up, you find yourself in a alleyway only partially lit up by the moon light. A sudden gust of wind picks up and you shiver as it tickles your skin. Your hand immediately go up to cover your breasts and hardened nipples. Grimacing you curse the fact that you didn't have the time to bring any equipment or get dressed before you had to leave. You even had to leave behind the remote control to your time machine and without that you're going to be stuck in the year 1984 unless you find someway to send a signal to the time machine in the distant future. Your looks and your brains the only things in your possession

Back in your time you were the source of many fantasies. Many men and some women desired your silky blonde hair and your body is well fit from hours spent at the gym. Your full lips and large breasts are the envy of your female colleague and any women you meet while your long legs and taut ass the source of much stares from men. At the same time they were stunned at the size of your intellect, surpassing many of not all the people you met you were dubbed genius of the age. You're quite proud and satisfied with your gifts both physical and mental. Unfortunately those same gifts are the source of your distress right now. A jealous and apparently crazy rival of yours attacked your laboratory with a group of robotic servants and Human henchmen seeking to take you hostage. You're barely escaped them by using the time machine before the planned date of travel.

Before traveling to the past you studied a great deal about the location and time you were traveling too. In a quarter mile or so there's a highly advanced radio station that you can rig to send a signal to the future and communicate with the time machine. Or maybe you should find a pair of clothes first. The frigid climates making your nipples very hard and your pussy is starting to glisten from the fact that you're start naked.

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