D&D: Get dressed, you may need to move quickly

From Create Your Own Story

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For a moment you consider chasing after the goblins but you decide against it. Goblins can be fast when they want to be and you're hardly in any condition to chase after them. You turn to your guide and see him getting up, figuring he must be okay you walk back into your tent and put on a pair of clothes. A low cut robe, skirt and heels. The robes neckline is just above your nipples revealing quite a lot of your ample breasts and your skirt only covered up to the knees leaving most of your leg bare. Then your high heels are specially enchanted not to break as not to inconvenience you.

Dressed you pack away pack away your provisions and spare sets of clothing. You also put away the clothes on line just in time to see a group of goblins numbering over two dozen running towards your camp. Concentrating your mana you conjure a powerful fireball and throw it at the goblins.

Seeing the incoming projectile they try to duck and move out of the way but fully half their group is caught in the blast and killed. The rest pause to look at the remains of their former allies and almost bolt before a big grey skinned goblin roars at them. With that they resume their charge towards your camp. Meanwhile your guide takes one look at the goblins and runs away. You bite back a bitter swear at his cowardice

Do you

D&D: Fight the goblins and win

D&D: Fight the goblins and lose

D&D: Run

D&D: Surrender

D&D: Something else

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