D&D: Stay in your home for now, no sense fixing an unbroken schedule...

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:34, 4 October 2014 by Chief (Talk | contribs)

In the end you decide you continue your daily activities. For the next several days you delve deeply into your magical studies pausing only for necessities of food and water, pressing on without sleep your mind stays sharp with help from a small spell. Through the enchanted telescope in your observatory, you've witnessed the beginnings of a celestial convergence. A planetary alignment, the likes of which has never been recorded has began and already immense amounts of magical energy are being created by the incredible event but strangely it's concentrated only on Waterdeep. You have already started working on a ritual to imbue you with the great power but you need more time to finish it.

Of course the power generated from the alignment has attracted unwanted attention. Magically attuned people from around the city have sensed the alignment much like you have, numerous sorcerers and wizards are working much like you to harness the magical energies but their not the only ones. Dozens of warlocks and necromancers revealed themselves and unleashed their dark servants and masters on the city. Demons and undead clashed with the City Guard and City Watch as much as they did between themselves, the city is caught in a full scale magical war.

Your entire neighborhood was destroyed within weeks of the conflict, magical explosions ripped through buildings before being stopped by your protective wards. Normally you would go out and help the authorities but with the climax of the convergence approaching you've been rather loath to leave your home.

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