Josh/Jessica After Shower Sex

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:39, 1 September 2014 by Xelnaga92 (Talk | contribs)

You take a seat at the table, and await the other family members to come in. Eventually, your ahletic father comes in, with a kiss on the cheek for your mom, he calmly walks to the table, sitting at the end of the family rectangular table.

Your younger sister Miranda comes skipping in, giving a loud greeting to everyone in the kitchen. Sitting to your left, she immediately digs into her breakfast.

Your older sister Jessica comes in last, she gives everyone a smile, her smile lasting a bit longer when it came to you, how curious. Taking a seat to your right, she takes a sip of milk.

Your mom comes with the bacon, and places it next to your father, who begins to eat himself. Your mouth waters as you place a nice helping of bacon on your own plate.

With a few bites, you immense yourself into your meal while trying to ignore your sisters subtle stares at you. You have no idea what she's thinking, but you're sure it isn't about the mindblowing sexual situation you had with her in the showers.

Aw crap, with the memory of you and her in the shower, your little soldier stands at attention, as well as your face turning tomato red. You hope she doesnt notice.

Too late, her smile turns feral, and you nervously spear a piece of bacon to hide your discomfort.

Not even a minute later, you feel a foot at your knee, its Jessica's foot, you deduce. After all, Mirandas foot is too short, and your mom was too busy talkig to your dad.

To your shock, and pleasure, you feel her foot rest on your crotch area, and slowly begin to rub it!

You were careful to not groan in pleasure as she continues to rub your dick through your sweatpants, something tells you you'll need to change your pants after breakfast. You swallow a piece of bacon in hopes to hide your growing discomfort...and boner.

Unfortunately, your sister had no qualms about continuing, and she gave a small smile as she rubbed against your dick with her foot. You can feel her gently caressing it while sipping her drink, as if nothing was happening. You can't believe this, you got to do something, or else you're going to climax, and you were never a good actor.

What do you do?

You are:
Josh, age 15
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