Ponyville Unicorn

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:55, 18 August 2014 by Pheonix Flair (Talk | contribs)
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… unicorn such as yourself. Now you were even too tired to cast any spells to help alleviate the aching in your hooves, or block out that dratted noise. Maybe you should have stayed...<p> <p>(Quick question: where are you from again? I've forgotten already.)

Ponyville of course! Don't hassle me, I'm local!

Canterlot! The shining capitol itself!

The big city! Baltimare.

Manehatten, the even bigger city!

Appleoosa born and bred. I'm a country pony at heart.

Where am I from? Where am I not from? I've never really had a home.

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