It does hurt a bit just like Josh said, but it feels really good too...

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:35, 10 August 2014 by Fionnlough (Talk | contribs)

'Are you ok?' Josh asks as you watch his finger move out and then back in. You nod; it's the best you can do. You bite your lips and your head lolls to the side.

'It doesn't hurt too much?'

You finally manage to get your mouth to open. 'A bit, but it feels better than it hurts'.

Josh's mouth returns to your nipple at that, and you close your mouth and bite your lips. Both of you just lie there, time slipping away, until you feel your stomach tighten up and you're forced to push Josh away forcefully.

'You ok Miranda?' asks Josh looking scared.

'Yeah', you breathe, 'it just felt too tickly down there'.

'Oh', Josh smiled and rolled onto his back, 'can you tickle me now then?'

You look at Josh's thing, you know he doesn't mean tickling his feet anymore. You'd watched Josh tickle you with his tongue but his thing is very different from your kitty. You climb to your knees next to him.

'How do I tickle you?' you ask tentatively.

Josh swivels around so you are between his legs. 'What you need to do Miranda, is treat it like an ice lolly. Just suck on it, you can use your lips and your tongue but like with an ice lolly you can't use your teeth'.

'Yeah, my teeth hurt if I bite an ice lolly', you add helpfully.

Josh gives you a smile and a wink, 'exactly, except it will hurt me not you'.

'Oh', now you're a bit worried, you don't want to hurt your brother.

'Don't worry, you'll do fine', Josh encourages you.

You grab hold of his lolly (it helps you to think of it as that) with both hands to stand it up straight. Then you wrap your lips around your teeth to make sure.

Finally you bend down and put it in your mouth. It fees really warm, and you find out the gloop really does not taste like jelly!

'That is really good tickling Miranda', you hear Josh say. You feel better about it after that, and start to suck on it like a lolly; short movements and licking with your tongue.

It almost tastes bitter on your tongue as you do it faster (the faster you do it the more it makes Josh squirm from the tickles) and your mouth slips a bit further down his thing.

'Don't put too much in or you'll choke', Josh warns as you slip a bit further down. You listen to your brother and return to the bit of his thing that looked a bit like an alien head. Josh is really nice and gathers your long brown hair up and away from your face.


You look up at him, his thing still in your mouth. It's weird seeing him from this angle, you can see all the bumps of his belly and ribs. It's a bit off putting as you can see his abdomen and belly move as he slowly pushes his lolly into your mouth then draws it out again. You don't mind him doing that though; your jaw is getting a bit sore. So you just make sure your teeth are away from it as your brother tickles himself with your mouth.

'I'm really close to having lots of the wet stuff come out, like, LOADS of it', Josh looks you in the eye, 'if you keep sucking it it will all go in your mouth, but i don't mind if you don't want to do that'.

There's not much room in your mouth for the gloop and Josh's thingy, maybe Josh is right and it'll all be too much

Actually, you've grown to like the taste of the gloop. Lots of it wouldn't be so bad

You are:
Miranda, age 6
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