D&D: Check the local taverns for adventuring opportunities

From Create Your Own Story

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While it may be intriguing to blackmail the man you saw or go to the Thieves guild's hideout, you can't help but be more interested in any adventuring opportunities. "Show me the adventuring boards and job requests in the local taverns" you command. The mirror glazes over and shows you a blackboard with several requests for help from people throughout the town and other work.

Most of the notices were too mundane and dull to catch your attention but you find a few tasks that catch your interest. A request from the temple of Silvanus for any willing adventurers to investigate the disappearances of several clergy members in the Ardeep Forest, the priests were sent to the forest after receiving information about a deforestation attempt but curiously after they arrived they found no evidence of such attempt and shortly afterwards all human and half elf members of the expedition vanished. The priesthood is willing to pay for any information on the fates of the members but much more if someone finds and brings them back to the temple in Waterdeep.

Below you see a notice carrying the sigil of the Town Guard hiring adventurers to find the suspect behind the murders of a traveling company of Selûne, Sune, Sharess priestesses, the women were found killed near the Maiden's Tomb Tor. The guard fear that Dark Justiciars of Shar are behind the murders and warn any investigators to be extremely cautious. If any members of the traveling priestess are found and brought to safety the Guard will reward a huge sum for the hero.

Finally the Watch Captain of the City of the Dead informs the populace that the undead in the City of the Dead have risen in numbers wishes for an adventurer to investigate the cause and get rid of it. The captain will reward the person greatly for ensuring none of his men die investigating.

With all these requests in mind, you decide to

D&D: Travel to Ardeep Forest and find the missing priests

D&D: Travel to the Maiden's Tomb Tor and discover the perpetrator of the murders

D&D: Go to the City of the Dead and investigate the rising undead numbers

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