D&D: Stay in your home for now, no sense fixing an unbroken schedule...

From Create Your Own Story

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While there may be forces in motion such things are rarely ever solved by one rushing at them. Such forces are best studied from distance and acted upon only in the direst of circumstances; Gods, angels, demons, wizards and other sorcerers, the usual causes of such occurrences are are never pleased by outside forces interfering with their plans.

You learnt this the hard way when you stumbled upon several of your old master's many plots, the vicious bastard took pleasure in tormenting you with low powered lightning strikes whenever you displeased him. One time he almost killed you when he learnt that you helped an adventuring party kill a neighboring necromancer, well he did his best to kill you but you learnt enough magic and grow too powerful for him. In the end you defeated him and your master fled after swearing revenge against you and promising to make you pay, with his departure everything he owned now belonged to you including your home.

The building has many secrets, secret doors, portals to different locations and underground tunnels, all of which contain hidden magical artifacts and valuables, most of your time these days are spent trying to locate said tunnels and portals while and recover the treasure; the rest of your schedule is occupied with experimentation's to expand your magical knowledge and power. You can feel that you are on the verge of a breakthrough but work has been disrupted by several interruptions.

Recently the portals have began teleporting you to increasingly dangerous locations filled with monsters with little treasure almost as if someones been refocusing them to other locations than the intended target and some mercenaries were found in the underground tunnels trying to enter your home while somehow bypassing your wards, the latest group had to be handled personally. After defeating them you found a letter containing their orders to capture you and bring you back to their headquarters but attempts to locate their base failed.

With these in mind, you decide to

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