Press on to Syalolloru

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:12, 26 July 2014 by Ddaedalus (Talk | contribs)

By nightfall, you have reached the border between your two countries: a tall bridge that crosses a deep ravine, peppered with small scrubs and brushes with a swift-flowing stream running through it. Across the wide expanse, you can see the Syalolloruan encampment flying the peace flag, but there are signs of recent battles having taken place. Two tall guard towers on the far side stand at each shoulder of the bridge; at the top you can just make out silhouettes of Syalolloruan guards against the beacons burning at the top of each tower in the evening light.

On your own side, there are also two guard towers, but these are sparsely manned. Your country has been beset for many months and has been hard pressed to defend its borders, which is partly why your father was so eager to broker the marriage to Lashon Luster.

The going has not been easy. As the terrain gradually grew steeper, your carriage was beset with two more roving bands of kobolds. Three more of your guards have sustained injuries, four of your servants, and one maid. Duran has a scratch across his left cheek where a kobold narrowly missed him with a thrown axe. This has put Duran in a sour mood. Your company now comprises:

16 healthy guards, 4 injured

22 healthy servants, 8 injured

9 healthy maids, 1 injured

"What news!" Duran calls out to the guards on your side of the ravine.

"All's peaceful for the moment, my captain" the guard replies, "the Syalolloruan army is flying the peace flag in anticipation of your approach. However, we've not been able to secure our borders. Roving bands of kobolds have been raiding merchants and war parties alike from the mountains within our own borders. How they managed to cross over from the Syalolloruan side, we can't be sure."

Duran looks at you "we've encountered them ourselves, and have injured."

"You're better off waiting for morning" the guard answers after taking in your party, "no sense in testing Syalolloruan hospitality this evening with o'er a dozen wounded. We've little space, but there is food and hot water."

Order the carriage to rest the night at the guard towers on your side of the ravine

Cross over the bridge to the Syalolloruan encampment

Health 100 Equipment:

Heavy Dress, Expensive Jewelry, Artful Dagger

Stamina 40
Mood Tired Inventory:


Purse 1050, 00, 00
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