D&D: You cheat and win big time as well as finding out about a lost sunken ship

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While you are an excellent gambler and an expert at most games of chance, you know it never pays to take chances. Which is why before the game began you mutter out a spell to ensure your victory. The spell works perfectly and within minutes several of your opponents are defeated effortlessly and you let out a smug smile at the growing money pile in front of you.

You bluff and trap the other players, pushing in more and more gold with each victory until only four players are left including you. A gruff looking dwarf who spends just as gold buying beer as he does gambling, with an entire hill of tankards pilling up beside him, a dark haired elf woman that grows visibly more nervous with each passing second and your final opponent is a human woman wearing a metal collar with inscription on it that you read as runic symbols for slave, a dark leather corset that displays her breasts, leather thong and high heels.

The game continues as the four of you do your best to win and the other three trying to kick you off before turning on each other but your spell and skill prevents that. Reaching something of a tie you do your best to win, muttering another spell you turn the dwarf's drinks into sleeping potions, with a thud the dwarf passes out on the table and gets disqualified. Playing several more moments you notice that both of your opponents frequently sneak glances at your breasts when they think your not looking, using this fact your advantage you start making erratic moments lowering the edges of your robe.

Both of them start spending more time at you than the game when they see you slowly revealing your naked breasts while you pretend not to notice your nipples hardening from the cold air. Eventually the slave women falls for one of your bluffs when she spends most of her time looking at your breasts than the game, with her gone the elf loses hope for winning and concede.

Quickly covering your breasts you grab at the gold across the table, "that was one of the quickest and biggest wins i ever saw. You even managed to beat the record time" the dealer remarks. "As a reward for winning, you get these" he says handing you a bag and an old compass. Looking in the bag you see a dozen diamonds the size of your first along with other valuables, picking up the compass you see it pointing to a specific location instead of North.

"Where does the compass lead ?" you inquire.

"Well supposedly the compass points to the location of the sunken ship where the diamonds came from but nobody's ever been able to locate the damn thing, so they come back and sell the compass back to the gambling hall for the next poor sucker to waste money and time looking for" he answers.

"Good luck trying to find that ship, ill be waiting right here for you to sell the compass when you lose everything" he laughs

"Well see about that" you answer.

What happens next:

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