Attempt to save the officer by killing the zombie closest and helping the Officer up

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:46, 30 June 2014 by Seth Xozen (Talk | contribs)

You use your last two pistol shoots and start firing at the zombies wildly but you manage get the zombie closest to the man. But they you here a click from your gun. Good thing you had the a second gun. You run up to the man still firing at incoming zombies and help him up with out any zombie anywhere close but they are still on your ass chasing you. You and the officer take cover behind one of the squad car doors. A squad car filled with weapons. The officer takes out a shot gun and stats leveling the zombies horde down to little pieces of body parts on the ground. When the gun fire finally stops all that is left of that horde is a bony pile on the ground. Your adrenaline finally wears off and you fall to the ground as your knees give away from underneath you.

Surviving officer*: "Need a hand" he ask while out reaching his arm to help you up

You happily take and he helps you up but your still weak so lean against the car.

The officer is pretty young about your age but bigger than you with a muscle tone of a Boxer. Blonde hair green eyes with a scar below his mouth.

Surviving officer*:"Thank you for the help out there and who knows what would have happened with out. The name is Luke I just moved here from California not too long ago working with the police department" he says while shaking your hand

You*: "Happy to help Name is Seth" you say "I'm a college student. Do you have any clue what's going on here.?

Luke*: No clue my commanding officer went down in the crazed attack. All he told me was that we were leaving the town because something big was coming and said he would explain to us later. I was bringing out weapons when he briefed the others. All I heard was Zombie.... And apparently its true" he said while looking at the pile of bodies

You*: So any idea what caused all of this?

Luke*: No not at all.

You*: So you guys were just going abandon the town?

Luke*: "It wasn't my Idea" he snaps " I wanted organised an evacuation even before I knew what was going on" he says calming down a little "but I am a rookie no one would even listen to me"

You*:" Alright I believe you I say while looking around trying avoid eye contact.

Luke looks up and just takes everything in. There are still regular people just running and hiding in the streets.

Luke*:"And I going to do exactly that" he turns to you with a look of determination in his eyes " Thank you again for your help and for your troubles I will refill your ammo and show you how to aim your properly after that you should get out of here,the chief said something about heading west so you should try that.

You*: "what about you, what are you going do?"

Luke*:"I am going to organize these people and arm some of them and send them on there way. At least then they have a bit of chance of survival then I'm leaving too"

After about 15 minutes of lessons you feel more comfortable with your guns which are newly filled.Luke tells you bye and goes gather people.He seems like a good guy and you wish him well and hopes you guys see each other later.

Now your on your own. From what Luke told you its not safe stay here so you need gather supplies to leave but you Do not want to wait too long before something else goes wrong. So you decide to

Go to appartment and get stuff carry

Loot Antique Store:1st

Loot Super market

Loot Hunting store:1st

Loot General store:1st

Loot pawn shop:1st

Loot Electronics Store:1st

Loot Sports shop:1st

Leave right away with out Looting

Xozen Life
Health Healthy Equipment:


Companions None
Food None
Range Weapons Revolver/9mm pistol
Melee Weapons None
State Florida
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