And then...

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:56, 7 June 2014 by CLaUD (Talk | contribs)
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You wake up... you feel like you've got some sort of hangover... It's incredibly dark. What a brilliant idea, climb onto someone else's balcony and sneak inside! What could possibly go wrong! Good job dip-shit.

you hear the sound of shoes clicking on the cheap tiling of the floor... and suddenly you're blinded.

"Let's do this the easy way, alright?"

You blink, blinded by a light in your face.


"Uhhh-hh..." you manage.

"Alright... Who are you?"




You feel the back of a hand crack across your face

"John!" You blurt, albeit rather slurred.

"Alright fucker, You're with Kay, aren't you?"

"I-Uh... I-Uh... I-" Another slap assaults your poor stupid face.

"I- No! NoNoNo-I don't know who that is!" you splutter, This isn't really happening is it? Another crack across the jaw; Nope, definitely happening.

"Don't lie to me runt! Now where's Kay?"

"I... I don't-"



"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" you promptly up your shut amount by five fucks. The silence is deafening, all oxymorons aside, and you hear heels clicking on the floor...

perhaps assessing your situation is something you wont get another chance to do... You're tied to some form of vaguely chair shaped piece of furniture... that's about it...

No wait-! you're also a fucking moron... alright, that's it...

You open your mouth to speak when the light flicks off, then a moment later, the rooms light flicks on. You hear an ultra convenient crash of thunder, that con only be the work of some god of ironic and unhelpfully timed dramatics, and, after a few blinks, see your assailant:

A Sexy cat lady in some kind of Cliche spy outfit

Some cat lady covered in crazy looking science-y shit

That one lady who was sunbathing on her balcony

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