Hug your arms around your chest and close your eyes

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:22, 22 July 2007 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

as your closing your eyes, the cold ness siezes you, you panick as your skinny body falls deep into the darkness.

"hello once again Shugu,.." you hear as the tight branch of the purple lit glowing tree squeezes literally sum life out of you. you scream as the gripping plant painfully tightens around your frail little body. "shugu,.. you are informed that with no soulpower, you die am i correct"... "yes master" you answer to the female voice, as you groand and struggle, panting in response.

"now... shugu, what are we going to do, i dont have much force left,"

"yes.. i am dying,.. but i dont know any takers"

"i know of one just quite my dear.. this young man, he does take after you am i right?" the tree tells you

knowing shes talking about Hikaru,.. you think for a while. you know this is wrong but your health is wasting, and u know ths is the only chance for survival left

"Shugu.. I must warn you.."

"what is it master?"

"There is a demon,.. a warrior,.. he is among us,. I do not know where but I do know he is after you,.. actually after the one, for you possess the curse of the acursed tree. Surely he will kill you, take your weapon of tsukinaggy and watch out,.. understood?"

"why does he want me dead?"

"some how the slaughter of the souls you kill are catching up,.. watch your back,.. if you are lucky, kill this boy. you will have enough strength to survive you for a while"

the next day:

Health wasted# Equipment:


MP higher#
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