Retreat to your room and send a guard to tell the king

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:01, 13 July 2007 by I Lion Heart I (Talk | contribs)
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You ask a guard to tell you what has happened. Newly enlightened you go to your room.

You lay down on your bed and ponder, you can't sleep so you sit up, and there, staring at you from the window is another cloaked figure. You stay back, eyes on him at all times, watching him listening as he's trying to break through the windows. You swipe up the Vorpal Blade and the Thunder Ring which happens to be there. You slowly walk towards the window and at fast speeds, glass fragments shoot at you, the figure is near but unseen.

You look around and go to the corner where nothing can come from behind, yet you feel a similar presence to what you did back when you were defeating Necromancer surrounded by the undead. Something's above you so you strike your sword upwards and you feel like you're blade is been taken away. You leap outwards and above you and you see the most grotesque face possible to imagine. He has your blade now, but one strike of thunder and he runs.

You know he wasn't undead, he looked more mutated, more evil, a monster or demon of some kind like a devil priest judging by the cloak. So you have to be aware, an army of monsters are surrounding your castle.

Health 900 Possessions:

Crown, Vorpal Blade, Thunder Ring

MP 100
Level 28
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