Pick up the "cloak of caution"

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 09:32, 2 August 2006 by (Talk)

Wrapping the mysterious wafer thin cloak around yourself, you can't help but notice it fits like a well tailored condom.

As you approach the great wooden door you proceed to knock on it three times. Feeling cautious you run back and hide behind the table.

The door suddenly swings outwards revealing a large, angry looking Ogre.

Glancing around the Ogre shouts 'Who dares intrude upon the House of Hoff!'

Nervous as a virgin at a gangbang you reveal yourself and reply: 'it is I.'

the Ogre, spotting your cloak gasps in amazement and backs off a few paces 'It cannot be! This cloak can only be worn by the Guru of Gender-Transmogrification!' he almost screams aghast.

Suddenly the word 'Caution' in the cloak's name becomes all too apparent. Filling with newfound confidence at the Ogre's reaction to your new attire you begin to stride up to him confidently and....

Demand an audience with the Hoff Try to use the Cloak's power Ask the Ogre for more information on the Cloak

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