User talk:Darth Bombad

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:47, 10 April 2014 by DirtyMeStoryTime (Talk | contribs)
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Please make sure to include the title of the story as a category on each page you post. If you don't know how to add categories, please review the Tutorial, especially Basic page format.--Platypus 11:48, 10 April 2014 (UTC)

Really, you were warned once, and you still can't put the category? You know after three warnings you will be banned from the sight, right? Again, as Platypus said, you really need to read the Tutorial before you find yourself banned from the site... And remember put your [[Category:Name of story]] in every single page you create (Obviously, not "Name of story", but the name of the story you are writing a page for...) --Dirty Me 14:47, 10 April 2014 (UTC)

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