35 L (IE/BF)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:44, 17 March 2014 by Blackadder38 (Talk | contribs)

Your name is Rhonda and you've come a long way in the stock exchange, from your humble beginnings as a runner too your current position as a high end commodities trader, you now make billions for your clients and millions for yourself. It wasn't easy for you to get this far in life having the disadvantage of not only being African-American and female, you're also a closet lesbian.

The last drawback you managed to turn to your advantage by seducing the wives of your competitors finding out what they were going in for and beating them to the punch. This enable you to ruthlessly exploit them, but you also discovered you had a penchant for straight white girls and a sadistic streak.

You've looked after your body well you are lithe and conditioned and stand at a statuesque six foot three, even without the three inch heels you always wear.

Where to start?

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