Agree to go (IE/WM)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:42, 7 March 2014 by Blackadder38 (Talk | contribs)

Well your out of options, you know he can print that picture of you onto flyers and post them around the neighborhood, everyone would see them and your life would be effectively over. Confessing to your mom would be equally stupid, as you would probably end up at some weird church camp for deviant boys, for the summer. You could only hope that with his grandson around he would have limited opportunity to use that cock on you.

"Okay mom, Mr Johnson, it sounds like it could be fun."

You had only meant to say okay and had not meant for that last part to come out. Your mom was more than happy and invited Mr Johnson over for dinner.

Later you were packing for the trip when you heard a knock on your door.

"Come on in." You called.

"Hello." Said Mr Johnson as he entered the room. "I'm just here to make sure you pack all the right things for your trip."

"Like what Mr Johnson?."

"Well to be honest, just what you need to look like a girl, I have all the clothes you'll be wearing already packed."

"But I don't want to dress like a girl anymore."

"You seem to forget Sam my bedroom overlooks your's. I've watched you in here looking after your skin keeping it nice and smooth, the way you've let your hair grow, I've seen you dress up on many occasions put your hair into pigtails and suck on that dildo you've got stashed in your locker. Well it's time you tried the real thing.'

He turned and slid the bolt across on my door, I could not believe how much he had seen. When he turned back around he had his cock out of his pants it was already hard and at least eight inches long and pretty thick.

"Okay Sam, are you going to continue being a cockteaser or are you going to drop to your knees and try the real thing?."

Simple choice: Do you?.

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