Show him just how "adult" you are *wink*

From Create Your Own Story

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Entering into Yoda's private study you find the goblin creature in deep meditation. Seeing him sitting there all old and wrinkly, you wonder if you really want to do this. Shaking your head, you realize that this is your only way you're ever going to be more than a child. You walk toward him seductively, swinging your arms and shaking your hips as sexily as your immature body can manage. Approaching him, you squat down to the aged masters level. If he weren't meditating right now he'd have a clear view up your barely existent mini-skirt. You drape your arms around his shoulders drawing yourself closer to his shriveled old body. Your lips gently brush against his pointy ear and you whisper to him in the must seductive voice you can manage "master... isn't there any way you could see fit to make me a padawan. Despite your best efforts, the master remains his same silent self. Looking down, you find that he's not even hard.

Even after all this he still doesn't find you sexy. You're just about to cry when you realize that the normally short and wrinkled alien is... slightly taller. His wrinkles don't look as shallow anymore either. Pulling one of your hands back, you take an index finger and slowly trace your way down the masters body. His squat body becoming larger as you make your way down. By the time you reach his crotch, sure enough it's smooth. No shaft, no sack, no genitals to speak of whatsoever. But what's more interesting is the lines in his face are now less drawn, he looks almost middle aged instead of ancient, and he is now half a foot taller than normal. You can only figure that being seductive must be having some kind of effect.

Still squatting down, you rub your barely budding breasts agains his body. Grinding him against you like a strip-pole is starting to get you a bit horny. He's now three feet taller and completely free of wrinkles save for a small cleft on his head. Yoda really is, one gigantic dick. The clothing between you and the giant phallus is becoming sticky as you both begin sweating through it. You remove your already skimpy tube top enjoying the feeling of air on your bare breasts. You then proceed to pull the jedi master's robe up and off him, leaving a giant phallus with small stumpy finger sticking out at the bottom and towards the middle. You continue grinding your chest against him, the feeling of your nipples on his pulsing flesh almost pushing you over. You hadn't noticed it before but there is a faint musk in the air, arousing you further and intensifying each sensation.

You kneel down on all fours and proceed to lick the base of the giant shaft, slowly licking your way up and raising your body as you lick the giant penis like an ice-cream cone.As you raise yourself up slowly reaching the top, you can't help but stick a finger down your panties, playing with your outer lips and gently, ever so slowly, teasing your burning clit out of its hood. The process is agonizing in its pleasure but as you lick the musk filled phallus and tease your soaking love-bud you feel your pleasure building, the warm tingiling sensation building and you know that you're getting close. Now at the very top of your master's head, you go in "for the kill", hugging the giant dick with both arms, you squat up and down, jacking the monstrous thing off with your entire body.

Grinding your burning pussy onto the throbbing dick, you can't help but lick the enormous thing, its fleshy taste becoming more arousing by the second. Your body feels like it's burning and as if it snuck up on you, your orgasm courses through your body, and in addition to the intense pleasure, you feel so much power flowing into you. Despite your constant movement, you seem stronger, and willing to endure more. Your body shudders, your vibrations passing into the giant cock causing it to ejaculate its sticky purple goo everywhere in thick giant spurts. The first spurt hits the cieling, while the second and third fall on the wall and your arching shuddering body respectively. As soon as the warm sticky substance hits your already sensitive body, you are rocketed into another orgasm. More intense then the first, his kind's sperm must act as a powerful aphrodisiac. You continue sloppily grinding against him, the warmth flowing through you, becoming your entire world as your every nerve is assailed with pleasure. You collapse as your third and final orgasm arrives, covered in Yoda's cum, feeling waarm and satisfied.

Several minutes later you awaken to find a Yoda now back in his normal goblin-esque appearance, and fully clothed. Smiling faintly he had obviously been enjoying the sight of your nude young body covered in his love juices, plenty of it mingiling with your own. Your legs are stiff and you feel tired yet what he says next genuinely surprises you.

"The title of padawan bestow upon you, I do," the little green man says, smiling slightly and talking in his odd non-sequential syntax.

"Really," you reply... "so because I had sex with you you'll make me a padawan." Somehow this doesn't please you as much as you thought it would. You feel as though you've done something horribly wrong, like you've used sex to get where you are instead of actually earning the position. You feel dirty, now I know what all those prostitutes in the lower city must feel like. You feel degraded and used, you're almost on the verge of tears again when master Yoda continues.

"Discovered you have, our orders ancient secret. The force we feel, stronger it does become, during copulation with another. And" he continues "initiative and power you certainly have. Necessary now it is, to a master obtain. Control you learn shall, and harness you must, the force, in its truest form. Also, shown inititive you have, few padawans there are, seek sex to more powerful become." He said sending a wink in her direction. "Now, a teacher, find we must. Ah, the list here choose it is, from it, required you are." You are at once relieved and bewildered by the secret revealed to you. Your power of the force does seem stronger, almost twice as strong as it was before you "copulated" with master Yoda yet you are still physically tired from the experience. Now you must find a master who can teach you to control this mass of force energy. The question becomes, which master do you think will be the best teacher?

Do you choose:

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Ahsoka Tano
Clone Wars
Health 6 Equipment:


MP 20
Level 2

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