Continue with practice

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:51, 13 February 2014 by Goohoojoo (Talk | contribs)
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"Okay, everybody in the pool. 20 lap warmup for everyone. Ready, go!"

All the kids pick a lane, hop into the pool and start swimming. Katy lowers herself into the pool gently; without much freedom of movement in the the tiny damaged suit, she looks pretty uncomfortable. Shannon's suit was clearly never intended for real swimming, and she goes around the side and climbs the ladder into the pool. Both girls are swimming quite a bit slower than usual, and before long all the swimmers in their lanes have lapped them several times. By the time the fastest swimmers have finished the warmup, the girls are barely halfway done. When Katy and Shannon are the only ones left swimming, you send them to their own lane and continue to make the other kids practice without them.

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