Sacara must Brake the Vase

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:01, 11 February 2014 by StarWarsLegion (Talk | contribs)

Luke possible Love-Interest

This is CRAZY! Leia's mind screamed out. He's the ENEMY! He's your half-brother! Leia felt her head spinning...she felt she kissed her sibling she felt her pussy moistening.

Luke stepped back, unclasping his uniform jacket and letting it fall to the floor. Leia looked at his muscular chest...his arms replaced by mechanical limbs. Leia ran her hands across his chest, caressing him. Luke reached up with his metal hands and pulled her shirt over her head. Leia's perfect breasts came loose, exposed to her brother for the first time. The two embraced , Luke's cold metal arms sending chills down Leia's spine as he held her in an incestuous grip.

Leia reached down and unclasped his uniform pants. She had never seen a real one before...only in holo-vids had a man's cock been known to her. Aayla had explored every inch of her body, taught her how to make love to woman. But this....this was the real thing. Not a lekku like Aayla had used.

Pulling his pants down Leia gasped as the erection sprang up to meet her hand. It was amazing....a living, feeling cock in her small grip for the first time in her life. Looking into her brother's eyes she could see the pleasure that washed over him as she began stroking his hard cock. It had never been like this with Aayla.... Leia felt powerful with the cock in her had as Luke stood there moaning with every gentle pull. This cock felt the pleasure she gave it.....this was the dick of a man.

Leia took the head of his cock gently between her fingers and lowered herself to the floor to see the magnificent piece of meat up close.

It was right in front of her...a pulsing, erect dick. Leia held the organ in was so beautiful. She brought her lips close to the head and slowly took the erect dick into her wet mouth.

"Ohhhhh Leia...." Luke moaned, looking down at the mind-blowing sight of his half-sister taking his prick between her lips. "Ohh yes..." he sighed.

Leia moaned all around his shaft. She looked up into the eyes of her brother. This was amazing—the pleasure she could give him. She reached up with her left hand and delicately explored his hanging balls. They felt soft...strange in her fingers. The male organ was a virtual mystery to the sheltered girl.

She sucked Luke's prick like a delicious candy, savoring the hot meat between her lips. She felt so lewd-shamelessly sucking on his cock as the eerie electric hum of the mechanical room pulsed around them.

Luke felt himself getting close...but he refused to be controlled by her. This was HIS seduction....he gently pushed Leia back from his cock.

Leia looked up at him in confusion. "Did I do it wrong?" She whispered. "I've never been with a man before."

Luke smiled down at her, kneeling down to kiss her lips. "You did it perfectly, sister."

Leia met his kiss passionately. Letting him lower her onto her back on the cold metal floor. She shivered as Luke kissed his way down her neck, down her collar bone, dragging his tongue expertly around her nipples.

Leia moaned as he lowered himself further, pulling her boots off and then her pants. She felt his hot breathing between her legs and looked down to see him paused just above her pussy mound. Leia was panting with excitement...waiting for him to devour her as she knew he would.

"My sister's pussy..."Luke whispered as he slid his tongue up inside of her.

"Ahhhhh." Leia sighed, throwing her head back convulsively.

Leia had her legs locked around Luke's head in a vice-like grip. She writhed and moaned under his dedicated ministrations as he expertly teased and licked her sensitive clit. Leia's hands pressed firmly onto the back of Luke's head, as if she were somehow trying to force his entire head up inside her wet pussy.

Luke pulled his head back, gasping for air as he pushed open his sister's leg lock. Leia was panting frantically, looking into the lustful face of her dark sibling. She knew what was coming next....she felt it in his mind so clearly. He was going to fuck her now. Her first real fuck from a man. Leia's body was trembling in anticipation. Luke moved his body up, bringing his throbbing erection between her legs.

Leia gasped as the mushroom shaped head parted her outer labia. She looked down, staring intently at the cock sliding into her.

"Ohhhh that's soooo sexy." Leia said, watching her impalement in fascination.

Luke grabbed onto her arms with his cold metal hands and slid himself completely inside Leia's welcoming pussy. Her tight vagina fit him like a it was made for him.

Leia sighed in contentment as his dick bottomed out inside her. Nothing had ever made her feel so complete...his dick fit her like it had been specially made for her pussy alone. Of course it did....she thought.....he's my dark reflection.

Luke began to gently thrust himself in and out of Leia. She looked into his face...seeing the pleasure reflected in his features....features so similar to Leia's own.

She brought her legs up and wrapped them around Luke's ass, welcoming him into her. Luke's thrusts became faster and more persistent. Leia's body was shaking with pleasure as he fucked her magnificently.

Leia now realized what she had been missing for her entire adult life. This was the way it was meant to be....with Aayla it had been a kindness between two likeminded individuals. But this....this was fucking. This was sex between a man and woman...the way it was meant to be.

Leia and Luke both threw their heads back at the same time. The pleasure was carrying them away. The coldness of the floor seemed to fade from Leia's senses, she was floating now. Luke felt it too---they were connected now as never before. They had fused into a single consciousness. Luke opened his eyes and found himself floating home. He had Leia in his arms,

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