A desperate prom queen

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:01, 19 January 2014 by XJ347 (Talk | contribs)

My name is Lilly Jones and this is my story...

I live in a small town in South Carolina. My life was picture perfect up until this point, I just made Prom Queen at 16, am the head of the cheer leading squad, and I was getting straight As in school. The problem is that my mom works works for a small antique store, at least until she got sick. Her employer didn't provide health insurance and since she had a pre-exisiting condition she couldn't afford insurance. She made to much to be on medicare but not enough to afford buying it herself. Next thing you know she got cancer, but without insurance she cant afford the medical bills. So here I am, trying to get a job to buy insurance for my mom.

The town being so small limited my options for employment, there were only a few options. I looked though the local paper and found only three options.

Part time secretary

An advertisement for modeling


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