Celebrate by splitting a banana split

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:08, 11 December 2013 by Ndqw (Talk | contribs)

"Ice cream!" you say. "The universal way to celebrate!"

In minutes, you're sitting in a booth with Melony dividing a banana split in half. "This is really good," Melony says.

You don't respond immediately, as you're too busy eating. When you look up, you say, "It sure is."

"I can't believe how... natural... being with you is," Melony states next. "I never thought of myself as... lesbian... before I met you."

"Just think of us as good friends... who are compatible in bed," you reply with a giggle.

A few minutes later, you're ready to leave. As the two of you share a kiss and turn to get up, you see a familiar face. It's...

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Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Melony
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