Ardenstone - Page 2b

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"I've never tried one before." Kas replied honestly, looking at the packet. Jade smiled, took two cigarettes out, and passed one to Kas who put it in her mouth. Jade told her to breathe in, and with a lighter, she set fire to the other end. Kas felt as though everyone was watching her, waiting for something incredibly profound. The moment the cigarette was lit, her lungs filled with smoke, and Kas choked, pitching forward in surprise. Jade caught her, holding her back from falling into the fire, while trying not to laugh. There were muffled giggles from across the fire too. She sat back, and frowned in embarrassment, until Jade convinced her to try again. This time Kas managed to resist choking, but the smoke felt hot inside her throat, and she couldn't hold it for long.

"Don't worry." Jade comforted her, patting her back. "Everyone chokes the first time. You'll get used to it." Kas managed a small grin in reply, and took another drag of her cigarette. There was a sense of close friendship between the group around the fire, and although she was new, she could tell that they were trying to make her feel welcome. She was keen to make friends, if only to make life in the sleepy village more interesting, and so she was eager to please David's friends. For his part though, David seemed unusually quiet since she had been given the cigarette. Then Kas released that David was not smoking, like the others, and neither was Kim for that matter. It occurred to her that David might not like the idea of his cousin smoking. Kas was about to say something to him when Korvan sat down next to her.

"So, city girl. What do you think of our village?" Korvan asked Kas, pouring some more of the fizzy apple drink into her cup.

"It... It's a..." Kas stuttered, unsure if the truth would offend her hosts.

"You can say you hate it." Korvan prompted, seeing the look on her face. "We all do." He took a drag from his own cigarette, then gave her a smile. "Alecroft is better, but it is a long way, even by car." Alecroft was the nearest town, on the east coast with a small sandy beach and plenty of shops. There was a cinema and theatre there too, plus the fair ground near the pier, he explained. Kas had been there once, but she had been only a toddler then, and doubted that she would recognise it now.

"What was the capital like?" Kim asked from across the fire, "I've never been, but I heard that it is really big."

"It is." Kas replied. "In the centre, some buildings are hundreds of floors high, with spires stretching up toward the clouds." Kas talked at some length about the city and her favourite places there, the restaurants, shopping centres and the school she went to. Kim was fascinated by the size and grandeur of the capital, stating how romantic it all sounded, but she seemed to be paying more attention to Korvan, who's arm was around Kas with his hand on her opposite thigh. In truth, Kas spoke about her old home with a slightly bias tone, and skipped over all the bad things that happened in the city. There was a lot of crime there and the roads were far more dangerous than the narrow lanes around Ardenstone, but Kas was sure Kim would prefer to only hear the good parts. Jade and Lawrence listened for a while too, while David, who was sat opposite, added comments on the places in the city he had seen. Kas finished her cigarette at one point, and Korvan offered her another one while Jade topped up her drink.

"Did you have a boyfriend there?" Kim asked after Kas had told them about the huge park she went to with her friends in the spring. There was something hard in the way she spoke, but Kas ignored it, shook her head, and replied that she had not really thought about it. Jade in turn looked at her with curiosity and quizzed Kas on the boys she knew there.

"Have you not even kissed a boy yet?" Jade asked, her question suddenly sounding full of concern. Kas looked at her drink and shook her head, which caused Jade's grin to return. "I'm sure Korvan would like to kiss you." She replied. Kas stared at Jade, her cheeks blushing red at the suggestion, and then turned to look at Korvan.

"Sure." He said, more to Kas than Jade. "If you like?"

"Kas, it's nearly eleven." David said suddenly, standing up. "I promised your dad I would have you home half an hour ago." Kas frowned, and looked around the group, but David insisted that they had to leave. Kas was about to stand up too, when Korvan put his hand on her shoulder.

"You can stay with us if you want." Korvan offered. Kas looked from one to the other, trying to decide what to do.

What should Kas do?


As previously mentioned, smoking can be very addictive. By choosing to try a cigarette, Kas may suffer a series of consequences in the future. These will become more apparent as this story progresses.

Option Notes

Both options available here could have their own consequences, as the opinions of other characters are important in shaping the future for Kas. Not all consequences are negative though, so choose wisely.

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