Mad Science/Time Machine (Alyssa) 3

From Create Your Own Story

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You grab your notebook and some table space and get to work. A time machine, that's the easy part; but what type? After a little thought you decide on something small, like a ring or a bracelet - it would be easy to conceal. Next: radiation, psychic, or quantum? You do a couple of preliminary sketches for each mechanism. Psychic appears to be the easiest to implement, if you can just figure out the machine-brain interface ...


You just about jump out of your chair.

"Emily's in line to show her plan to the teacher. What are you doing?" Trevor sits down beside you and looks at your general sketching. "Ooh, a brain-machine interface! I love thought-controlled devices! Would you like some help?" His hand is absent-mindedly rubbing your back and sending tingles all up and down your spine.

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