Find a place to hide

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:08, 22 July 2013 by Calvin Coolidge (Talk | contribs)
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You select an abandoned building and sit inside in a corner. You figure you'll wait until darkness falls and slip out then.

Long before sunset, however, several bearded jihadis with AK-47s suddenly storm into the room, pointing their weapons at you. You try talking your way out in Arabic. The leader, an arrogant smirk on his face, informs you that the townspeople have seen you acting strangely and reported you to him and his gang. You curse to yourself as you realize that if you had just acted more natural, you probably wouldn't have drawn suspicion to yourself at all.

The leader walks right up to you, the muzzle of his AK-47 right between your small breasts. His breath stinks. Looking straight into your frightened dark brown eyes, he sneers, "We know you are a spy." Turning to his men, he orders, "Take this infidel bitch! We'll find out what she knows and then dispose of her. After having some fun with her, of course."

You figure you're pretty much doomed.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Walther PPK with silencer, knife, data drive, cyanide capsule

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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