Open the window to let fresh air in

From Create Your Own Story

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Climbing up from her bed, Jezzi took the three small steps required to stand before her wooden shuttered window. She felt slightly cooler just standing next to it as the cooler outside air competed with the stuffy inside air of dominance. The window itself was a simple affair - internal and external wooden shutters attached to the wall by hinges, with one lock on the inside for each. She knew instinctively where both latches were, which was a boon at times such as this, when moonlight couldn't stream through into the near-blackness of her room.

Deftly, her fingers sought out the first latch and, with a slight tug, it slid free, allowing her to open the internal shutters with a slight creak. A quick rush of trapped cooler air rushed to enter the room, brushing against her skin and causing a slight goosepimpling effect. She had to admit that the quick burst of cool air felt good.

Again her hands went forward and quickly undid the second latch, allowing her to throw open the outer shutters and be rewarded with the sweet kiss of cool might air on her flesh. Closing her eyes, she allowed the breeze to enter her room, instantly cooling her off and bringing a smile to her lips. Jezzi sighed again, this time in contentment as she took a deep breath of the outside air before opening her eyes and gazing out across the open landscape.

A short way ahead of her, she could see the crazing fields where the livestock would be allowed to roam during the daylight hours. It was currently fenced off, and the gate itself bolted shut as it always was at night. To the right of the stood one of the barns. This one was used to house the cows. They had two other barns on the farm, one for the woolen rams, and another smaller one for poultry. Trading had been poor for the rams of late, but the rest of their produce had been selling well.

Away from the farm were the sparse trees that marked the boundary of Vampire's Run, a small patch of forested land that used to extend far beyond where it does now, but got its name from the rather dense clouds of blood-sucking insects that resided within, mostly due to it housing three small feoted swamps within its boundaries. The rest of the farm was obscured from view as the window faced away from the larger building.

Leaning forward on the windowsill, Jezzi rested her chin on her hands, letting her elbows rest of the warm wood and prop her up. Half-closing her eyes, she let herself enjoy the night air as it blew in through the window and over her exposed skin, cooling and bringing relief. 'Maybe it's not so dangerous outside' she thought to herself as she gazed out. But then, her eyes came across something out of the ordinary. With a gasp, Jezzi took a step back into her room, eyes wide and feeling a chill run down her spine that was not due to the night air - outside, at the edge of the grazing fields, there was a dark figure standing still, the most frightening aspect being the moonlight reflecting brilliantly in a pair of light eyes which were looking straight at her...

What should Jezzi do?

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