Witch's Power/fondle the blonde beauty

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< Witch's Power
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Your hand runs up along the blondes naked skin, before groping her lovely, large breasts. You tease her nipples, pulling at them with your fingers and enjoy the little gasps she gives you in response. You snake your other hand down, moving along side her own arm as it works furiously between her legs. You take her hand and move up under your dress, before replacing it with your own. Your muffled moans join hers as her fingers begin to work the fabric of your panties against your wet slit.

You break your kiss, moving your finger to you lip to remind her to stay quite, before you kiss your way down her neck. You take one of her perky little nipples into your mouth and bite down gently, flicking it with your tongue. She gasps at this, and you feel her pull your panties aside and thrust two fingers deep inside of you, causing you to buck on top of her. Meanwhile you slide your fingers out of her warm hole and up to your sensitive clit, twirling them around it.

Her breath becomes ragged as you tease her clit and nipples. She lets out a low growl as she thrust a third finger into your tight snatch. The feeling of her fingers drilling into you is too much, and you bury your head between her tits to muffle your moans as an orgasm hits you. Your legs clamp down on her hand as your hips rock, riding wave after wave of pleasure. Meanwhile your erratic movements set her off as well. She crys out, clamping her hand over her mouth too late as she begins to spasm beneath your.

"You alright down there miss Lana? " you hear the driver ask. "...ye....yeee..." She try's to answer between breaths, but you thrust your fingers deep inside her again. "Yesssssss! Oh gods yessssss!", she cries out. You collapse down on top of her body, both of you exhausted and satisfied. She absently strokes her fingers through your hair, with your head nestled comfortably against her soft breasts.

The door to the carriage bursts open and hands grab ahold of your ankles, forcefully dragging you out of the carriage to the dirt ground outside. You clamber up to your knees and look up to find the count glaring down at you. "It's not enough that you stole my wife away from me, you have to go after my mistress as well?" His outrage is evident in his voice.

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