The prince of a neighbouring country to enforce a ceasefire *Black leather 3*

From Create Your Own Story

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You are marrying an arrogant Prince called Aylwin, which means 'noble friend.' Though it couldn't be far from the truth, he beds whomever he chooses. Be it male or female, married or virgin. A mere boy with sexual needs, exactly like his father. An old man proud of being a tyrant. He's also known for his menacing unmatched skill with the sword, truly you cannot say you haven't dreamed of crossing swords with him.

Mercy doesn't run in cold blood and running him through- or at least knocking him down a knotch or a few to lower his self esteem would do great boosts to your own confidence.

You remain unnerved as you are galloped off to the crown-prince of Tarium, a kingdom who has been threatening to wage war for near over a decade. And little over a year ago, acted on the promise of it's threat. You do not not know why, but your two nations have never really liked each other. Though, your father being the honorable savior he is, values the safety of his people far above your own freedom and has chosen to keep the peace through giving you away.

You couldn't object even if you had wanted to, not that you did. You know how excited you got at the thrill of finally being able to explore all the parts of a man without limits. But under the circumstances, you could now say otherwise your horny becomings had left you. The excitement in your chest from earlier has immediately dropped, and it doesn't go unnoticed. "Saya, it won't be all that bad. You are doing your father proud." Duran tries to comfort you.

The problem is you never did anything to make your father proud yet. But you swear you will, keeping a tight grip on the handle of your katana. You have a duty to your people, even if you need to be wed to a brat who probably never set foot out his own castle walls.

Everything will be more than a struggle from now on, and you have to be strong enough to embrace it. All the faces you meet in your new life won't exactly be pleased, which probably means no more cute boys to flirt with.

"I know," You smile and reassure Duran. "I wonder how they'll handle all this!"

You gesture to yourself grinning, nobody's going to stop you being playful ol' you though. Duran laughs along with you. You consider him a good friend, who shall indeed be missed. It might be fun to play a few pranks on your new soon to be husband aswell...


Health 100 Equipment:

Black Leather Armor, Mother's Katana

Stamina 100
Mood Excited Inventory:


Purse 50, 00, 00
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