Myth Maze

From Create Your Own Story

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Every culture has one or another. A shadow beast that stalks the night, killing any and all who get in its way. Their origins and feats do not matter, for their presence is heard. Whether to keep children in line or simply to provide entertainment, stories of them are wide and varied. Were they real, they would be a force to be reckoned with. Though many are not and could not be real, their tales lay for the superstitious to find.

As science took over, these terrifying beasts of legend were consigned to history books, and sometimes revived as entertainment using electricity and imagination. All this is well and good, but for one detail. They could be defeated in those games. They cannot be defeated in reality.

Cryptozoology is a science, but the marriage of science and fantasy cannot survive. Their natures are as alike as fire is to water. Science assumes that the same thing will happen no matter how many times you try it. Can you really do that with a bloodthirsty beast?

Most of that is off the point, though, and the true purpose of my speech is to introduce you to a man with a crackpot scheme. His name is Robert Ferguson. His idea was to find out which counrty's cryptids were the most feroucious. As a rich man, he could do it. Now, please click below if you would like to continue with this story, my friend. I promise that when the tale is fully spun and when all is said and done, it will not have been a colossal waste of time.


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