A dark skinned nigga
From Create Your Own Story
I see that you like challenges. Your are a tall, very dark skinned black guy. You have an athletic figure and a quite nice body. Unlike most of nigros, you went to college so with your education getting a job shouldn't be a problem. Sadly to get accepted by your family you have to act like the rest of the black baldies. There is also your very normal size penis: 5.4 inch long when erected.
You are in your bed just faking sleeping. Then after 15 minutes of time wasting you hear your sis screaming to you WAKE UP BROTHA. Before you can reply or do anything she opens the door of your shitty bedroom. Yup... your twin sister is a big slut. Her perfect body added with her beautiful hair makes her almost too easily marked as hoe for life. You can see her G-string from the sides and her 4 packs abs from the front. She's just wearing a cheap bra and one idiotically short skirt. Yo nig you gotta wake up n shit
Do you: Tell her to get the fuck out
You're only going to get up for a B-J
Knock her out