Partway through explaining, the computer begins pumping an aphrodisiac into the air

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:00, 4 July 2012 by KKhyp (Talk | contribs)

Automated computer report:

All Stasis beds have been cleared. All equipment has landed and has been set to automatic construction.

Passenger module beginning slow-decent to planet surface. Estimated time to touchdown, 3 hours 26 minutes.

To aid in adjustment and community expansion, module life support has begun venting Xiaden gas into the air supply. Aphrodisiac is currently at 1 part per million and rising.

Before you could finish explaining to Jane what had happened, the computer interrupted me with its report.

“Who the hell thought that dousing the colonists with an aphrodisiac was a good idea?” you say to no one in particular.

“They… they’re all dead? Everyone? Everyone?” she asks you with tears in her eyes.

All you could do was nod unenthusiastically.

“Oh John, please… Will you hold me?”

You couldn’t say no to her. For that matter, you didn’t even want to say no. While your pride had stopped me from asking, holding someone close to you would be very comforting right now.

You hold Jane close to you and at first all she could do was cry. After a while, though, the crying had stopped and was replaced by small whimpers. This would've all seemed normal but, at some point between the crying and the whimpering, she had begun to rub her slender body up against yours.

You must admit that, as the aphrodisiac in the air increased, yo were beginning to enjoy yourself more and more.

Do you:

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