
From Create Your Own Story

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"Quite some time ago," The disembodied voice begins, "I kept watch over people. As long as they made me happy, I would never let things like hunger or sickness bother them. I'll admit, my requirement for such protection was a bit... harsh. Eventually, though, those people forgot to pay me what they needed. War claimed them rather quickly afterwards. Letting them be ravaged has proven to have been a very foolish decision these days, so I come to you wonderful students to ask of you one thing. Will you show me that the human race hasn't lost its way? It'll be easy enough for you, you know. All you have to do.."

She pauses, and you and Devin glance at each other. You open your mouth, but the doors to the upper walk-way area of the gym open and let in some light, catching everybody's attention. A woman steps inside, allowing the door to slowly close itself behind her.

" kill each other!"

Nobody knows what to say. Some look at each other in disbelief, some stare at the woman, some begin to mutter "What?"s, and a few others begin laughing. Someone stands up and tries to call her bluff.

"You're kidding, right? You can't seriously expect us to do that. Someone in here'll just call the cops and you'll get your ass hauled off, lady! We-"

He stops mid-sentence, staring at her intently. It's eerie, like she's got some hold on him. His hands, trembling in fear, slowly rise up to grasp his chin and the back of his head before suddenly twisting and letting out a sickening crack.

Just as his body hits the floor, the woman smiles and laughs to herself. "Now... no other protests, correct? Good. I would prefer to take care of this as quickly as possible, so I shall waste no time in releasing you. When I do so, you should take some time to meet up with like-minded individuals, be they your enemy or friend. Group up and take this school for yourselves, and remember that the last tribe standing wins. I may reward those of you who impress me, so don't be afraid to go nuts. Violence isn't the only way to get a gift, but it's certainly the easiest way."

She scans the faces of everyone in the crowd for a moment, her face devoid of any expression.

"Well, then, this is the part where you guys get in your little gangs or whatnot. Get a move on. And those of you who object to this game may see me in your school's office."

With a bored shrug, she turns around and exits, leaving everyone in silence. A moment later, the lights go back on. You spy Eric already on his way to his football buddies, and you figure Karen will be trying to group off with the cheerleaders. Devin taps you on the shoulder, and you crane your neck back to see what he wants.

"Well, I know who I want on my team. With your recent foray into shooters, you should at least be a little more relaxed if this turns into full scale mayhem."

You laugh nervously and nod, standing up and glancing back at Eric. Sure enough, it looks like the football team and cheerleaders are negotiating a truce. Aaaaaaaand Karen's there. Cool. Real fuckin' neato.

Before too long, you and Devin have only managed to recruit two others. You recognize Emily Voss, a small brunette from your Algebra I class back in freshman year, and call her over. She seems relieved, and you get the idea that her shy attitude back then hasn't changed since. Inevitably, Randy makes his way to you and joins up.

After grouping up, people went their separate ways. The four of you end up in an upstairs hallway, sitting around in room 801, unsure of what to do next.

Surprisingly, it's Randy who first suggests a course of action.

"Well... if we gotta kill everyone else to win, then we had better hit the others while they're weak. Go huntin' after they're fortified and we're just askin' to die." You hate to admit it, but he's kinda right.

Emily, on the other hand, is appropriately defensive.

"Yes, but if we take the time to fortify, we could be on the other side of that plan! We could hit anyone who tries to come kill us! Yeah! Someone tries to come in and kill us, and we cave their damn heads in! It's perfect!"

The two turn to Devin, expecting him to chime in. He just shrugs, however, and tells them that either plan is cool with him. The three of them direct their eyes to you, Randy looking a little angry and expectant. Emily is beaming with pride, her face free of any trace of doubt.

Figuring that an awkward stare isn't going to satisfy them, you open your mouth.

"Randy's right. We need to work fast."

"I'm with Emily. We don't know what could happen if we go out there."

I Am: Marissa P. I'm In:

Room 801.

I Feel: Fine.
Kills: N/A.
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