Shift into the Asian woman

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:46, 10 June 2012 by Yihman1 (Talk | contribs)

You search your new host's memory...

Your name is Krystal Lee. You are twenty-six-years old. You are a computer genius and a hacker. You spend most of your time on the computer. You are a very anti-social person. You have never had sex or even kissed another person despite being an attractive young female. Your host is totally asexual...

You have a rare blood disease. Your blood does not clot at all, you bruise very easily and any time you get a cut it bleeds for a long time.

You are a total germaphobe. You wash your hands about as often than a humming bird flaps its wings.

Suddenly you realize two things. Your bladder is nearly full, and your host has never used a public restroom for fear of germs... Time to change that.


Do you:

You are possessing:
Asian Geek Girl
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