Talk:Try Not To Die

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:29, 2 June 2012 by MEGHAPSEY2 (Talk | contribs)
  • Hey guys, I made this yesterday. I've been here before and decided to go ahead and write this CYOA in one sitting. I hope that it can be found fun and amusing to those who play it. :)
  • Try Not To Die is part of the Explore Your Own Adventure series, along with Eathbound I: Where am I?, Eathbound 2: Martians invade Earth (coming soon), Universe Traveler: So Do You Really Want To Explore Outer Space?, and Universe Traveler 2:Five new felllows (coming soon).
  • MEGHAPSEY does not have anything to do with the games in the above bullet... Uhhh, in fact, she doesn't know anything about them... Sorry, bud, I'm gonna... Fix my game back, okay? sorry
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