Wait until the door opens, then attack whoever is there

From Create Your Own Story

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The person outside could be friendly, but they could be dangerous. You decide to take action and attack the person when they enter the room.

Taking a few steps backwards, you face the door completely and lower your new body into a tense crouch. You can feel your muscles bunching instinctively, ready for the attack. You remain this way for a few moments, completely still, ears back, watching the door and listening.

Then, the moment finally comes. The door slides open, and you pounce, throwing your full weight on whoever was unlucky enough to be standing there. Both of you fall heavily to the floor, and the person's head smacks against the wood with a sickening thud. The person struggles against your weight, gasping for breath and clawing at your thick legs. A boy in his late teens lies beneath you, his short black hair lying in silky wisps around his angled face. He glares up at you with dark, slanted eyes, but he does not look angry. He looks...afraid. Of you, perhaps? You wonder what you must look like to him - a giant wolf-fox snarling and baring her fangs an inch from his face...

Feeling suddenly guilty, you lean back slightly and relieve some, but not all, of the weight from his chest. He takes a few pained breaths and stops struggling.

"Who are you?" You snarl, surprised by the ferocity of your own voice. He tilts his gaze toward you, frowning.

"I should be asking you that." He tries to rise, but your weight holds him down. "I bring you here and take care of you, and this is how you thank me? Get off of me, and maybe I'll tell you who I am."

You narrow your eyes suspiciously. He could be dangerous...but so are you now. You could let him up and talk to him, or you could threaten the information out of him.

What do you choose?:


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