MOTDE: Head back to the throne room B1

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Without warning you yank the Queen´s leash towards you, making Faylin stumble into your chest. She grunts and wraps her arms around you to not fall. The woman's soft, naked flesh presses against your body and her fat udders flattens against your armored tits. You enjoy abusing her with the leash, it´s such a direct solution.

"So do you like what you've seen today surface-Queen?" You tell her while she continues to instinctively cling to you. "Does the sexual slavery of your subjects arouse your fuckholes?"

Faylin tries to pull away, but you grab her shoulders and press her body against yours. You grind into her, molesting her with your hands, trust into her pelvis with yours, knowing that she feels your hardened man-meat as you do so.

You kiss your slave on her lips. She meekly tries to pull away, groaning lightly as you play with her body. "Hmm, I found this day highly arousing. I can´t wait for our second night together," you whisper at her with a sultry voice.

"Goddess..." Is all Faylin can mutter as she tries to pull away from you.

"Hmm, this is just the start my slave-Queen. Imagine what we'll do to your race once we've entered the underworld," you end your words by starting to lick her lips with your snakelike tongue.

You think Faylin is about to scream. But then a voice rings out. "Co-commander Daine!"

Your kiss with Faylin is broken off, and you stare with an irritated frown upon the origins of the interruption.

A lone male soldier of your clan comes running and quickly kneels deeply at your feet. "I´m sorry for the interruption High-Huntress of Char! But your blood-sister the huntress Treccia ordered me to summon you immediately!"

"Treccia, eh?" All this time you've been wondering what your sister has been up to. You release Faylin, who breathe a almost invisible sigh of momentary relief. "Take me to her!" You order the man.


You follow the messenger, walking at a pace that Faylin almost can´t keep up with. He leads you downwards into the palace, towards the cellars. As you reach the cellars two guards stand posted there by the cellar door. They are both carrying clan Char's emblem, and are fiercely armed. Treccia must consider this place valuable.

The two guards bow as they see you approach. The messenger opens the door, and then bows down himself by the opening. You enter the room without him, dragging Faylin behind you.

Upon entering the room you see gold coins lying on-top of each other in large piles taller than yourself. It´s the treasury chamber of the Heartwood forest elves! Jewels, gems, diamonds, emeralds, jades, rubies, topazes and all other forms of riches lie scattered around the treasure chamber. The room absolutely glitters with wealth.

"Sister-superior," your sister Treccia greats you and bows deeply. She stands in the middle of the room, surrounded by the riches.

"Greetings sister," you say while continuing to take in the various riches of the room. "I presume you've seized this treasury for clan Char. Well done," you compliment her.

"Thank you sister-superior. But I did not call you here to inspect the bounty," she states.

Faylin also looks through what used to be her treasury. She's sad, but after seeing what terrible fate has befallen her subjects, the looting of her treasury simply fails to compeer.

Your sister continues, "Let me explain. After you raped and viciously conquered the surface-elven Queen in the name of Char and the dark elf race last night, I took a band of soldiers and secured this treasury. It went without problems, as most dark elves where chasing surface-elven rape-meat. But I didn't secure it for its wealth, I was thinking about the competition..."

"Hahahah! Good work little sister," you laugh happily, pleased with her performance. "I´m sure to find a item most valuable here in the royal treasury. Surely that bitch Solaria won´t be able to find any item matching ones that can be found in here! It´s simply perfect! Now I will have a advantage over Solaria, one point for me in the competition."

Treccia bows at your words, Faylin adds the emotion of confused to her normally anxiety ridden face.

"Sister-superior, may I recommend this item?" Your sister picks up a golden scepter from the riches. Faylin's eyes widen at its sight. "It is the royal scepter of the Queen of the Heartwood forest sister. Surely it would be a worthy item to bring before the judges of the competition?" The reaction Faylin gave tells you that your sister is not mistaken.

"Hmm, good choice sister," you mutter, but proceed to inspect the room for yourself.

You look through the various riches, trying to find something that stands out. You soon find it, it´s a foot-long golden statue of the Queen Faylin.

You burst out in laughter at the sight of the extravagant treasure, "hahahah, and what is this? Something to satisfy your royal ego I presume slave?" You ask Faylin.

"It... it was a gift from a dwarven clan. They gave it to me, as a sign of friendship," Faylins voice seems to hurt, the recollection must bring her strong memories conflicting with her current state. "They... they said I was pure-of-heart, that I cared about them as equals, not looking down upon them like some highbrow, self-indulgent elf," Faylin lowers her head as she finishes speaking.

You snicker some more about it, clearly interested in choosing the statue. it would be quite a sight bringing it before the tribunal, your mother and Solaria.

You continue to look around the treasury chamber. After a minutes searching you find another item that makes you raise a eyebrow. It's a blood-red diamond, bigger than your fist, and carved into the shape of a hearth. The diamond intrigues you in a way that you can't put your finger on. It looks important. But you don´t know anything about it, choosing it would be a gamble.

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