MOTDE: Enter the underworld B1B1

From Create Your Own Story

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Velzaria - known as the black opal of Drow cities. Your majestic home is built in the shape of a half-moon with its back securely  
against the cavern walls. The thick and tall walls are made in obsidian black metal. They gleam unnaturally in your vision. From 
beyond the walls - huge citadels jut out into the sky. They are the homes of the various clans of Velzaria. Yours - the citadel of 
Char - is the tallest, and saturated in the middle of the city, both those facts attributed to the dominance your clan has over 
the city. With the exception of the clan-citadels only the temples of the most powerful Goddesses tower above the city-walls. 

You emerge instantly from the teleported just outside your home city in the underworld. In the distance you see that the gates of the city have been swung open - and the victory march is well on its way. Normally the constant darkness and familiar confinement of the cavern walls would make you feel welcomed and relaxed. Yet there is an uncharacteristic fear and worry in your eyes as your huntresses gather around you. Faylin is nowhere to be seen, and they see the anxiety dyeing you face. There are also highly noticable beads of panicky sweat running down your forehead. It is enough to inform them of what happened.

"T-The Queen was stolen?" Riki stutters in disbelief. "We´ve lost!?"

"High-Huntress!" Trix screams in a hurry, "You can still win the competition with the skull and the statue. Just because Solaria holds the royal-family doesn't mean this had ended! You can still win this so you musn´t show any weakness! Steady yourself!"

"She´s right sister-superior," Treccia adds, whom looked the most stricken as she realized what had happened.

"Y-Yes... yes you´re right..." you say with a voice so meek you can´t believe it belongs to you. "Yes! You are right! I will steady myself! I will not show weakness! This is not over!" You repeat, screaming the words to psyche yourself up and expunge the fear in your body. Your thoughts focus on just how much you hate Solaria - and it hardens you.

Your words also seem to inspire confidence in your huntresses. "There is nothing else for us to do," you tell them, "all that is left is to report to the tribunal and decide the winner of this contest. Treccia, where is the evaluation of the competition to take place?" You ask your little sister.

"At home. In Clan Char´s citadel. Mother wanted it so. Everybody will be there waiting. She said she was to invite delegations from all the clans in the city to bear witness to this occasion."

You make a tiresome sigh. "Well then... time to meet mother."


The main-hall of clan Char´s citadel is absolutely packed full. Hundreds of highly-ranked members from the clans of Velzaria and their retinue have gathered to watch the evaluation of the competition. The main-hall is a large, circular-shaped room. The audience has gathered on the sides, giving you room in the middle. Their curious and anxious glares way heavily on you as they try to guess and read you based on your expression how the competition has gone. You hold your chin up high with a cocky smirk on your face - a good disguise. Neither of the items you are to present are on your person - but are to be brought forth at the proper hour for evaluation. You step forward into the middle, surrounded by a sea of people.

On the opposite side of where you entered, stands a small, pyramid-shaped platform elevated well-above the other spectators. On it is situated the black throne of Char. A woman sits on top of it, a grim look owning her face. She is your mother - Mecinia, the High-Matriarch of Char. Her appearance is a lot like yours - the same chiseled bone-structure, voluptuous-figure, and a powerful, predatory gaze. Her age has not diminished her immense beauty however, merely brought forth another aspect of it. Mother always has a stern expression when dealing with these matters. You wonder if she will be able to keep her cool once it´s revealed that Trix acquired both Faylin as well as Isis and Iris. Wondering makes you fearful, so you stop thinking.

Below the pyramid-shaped platform you see the tribunal that is to evaluate the competition. They belong to the goddess of Tzet - she who governs order, law and reverences. Just to the side of them you see Vizzra - Matriarch of clan Valon and the mother of Solaria. She too looks like her daughter, a pretty, oval-shaped face with short, straight hair. Turning you to gaze across the crowd you see many familiar faces. Most noticably, every member of your huntresses are spread out across the room - observing with vigilant faces.

Behind you the front doors are slammed open. Loud gasps of shock are heard from the crowd. You quickly spin around to see what caused that strong reaction and is greeted with a sight you really wished not to see. Solaria - the bitch who has made life so miserable to you - emerges from the doorway striding triumphantly. In her hand she holds three leashes - her pets are the royal family of the Heartwood forest. Faylin, Isis and Iris all crawl on their knees after her like dogs while being completely naked. Their twin-tits shake and their ass-globes wobble freely. For a drow this is the ultimate honor - the most grandiose sight imaginable. Solaria is showing the world how she has conquered your racial enemy, how she has enslaved and dominated a royal family so that they crawl by her feet. Even you must admit that the sight strikes you with awe. Solaria looks, acts and radiates the confidence of a goddess as she strides towards you. Needless to say, her entrance cause a lot more commotion than yours did.

"Silence! Silence!" The tribunal shouts out to quell the many voices going off at Solaria´s grand entrance. You quickly try to assess and analyse the situation. Your don´t think anyone in this room will ever think of Solaria without a helthy-dose of respect ever again. Even your own clan members are dumbstruck impressed. Vizzra - noticing this too - grins like a devil, knowing what a huge victory this is for her clan. The only one not daunted by the situation is your mother. Her right eyebrow is twitching, she must be fuming with rage. To her, status and honor is everything. She´s not bothered about you losing, she´s concerned that what transpierce here will affect the honor of clan on a fundamental level.

Solaria reaches the center of the room and stops close to where you stand. She baths in the moment, showering herself with the disbeliving comments of her enemies and blissful praising of her clan-members. Soon a member of clan Valon darts into the middle of the room and takes the leashes away from Solaria. The impression has been made. You see the Queen´s plump ass wiggle away from you without her even throwing you a glance - the frustration is immense.

"Silence! Silence!" The tribunals frequent cries finally kills off the commotion and allows them to reassess control. The head-tribunal screams at your rival. "Solaria! You where to present the items at the appropriate hour. Have you no reverence for the rules and stipulations of the Goddesses!?" Solaria merely smiles at the scolding.

The head-tribunal begins the ceremony. Your gut fills with nervousness. Everyone is listening intensely. "At the request of High-Matriarch Mecinia of clan Char. We, the servants of Tzset, have pleded our goddess to sanction this challenge. She has responded, and given us the mandate to judge and evaluate this religiously-sanctioned competition with full and unquestionable authority. Any who dispute our judgment, shall be deemed a enemy of all drowkin, and be subjected to the worse atrocious known to our race."

With the introduction complete the head-tribunal looks over at you. "The first participant is High-Huntress Daine, the firstborn daughter of High-Matriarch Mecinia of clan Char." The priestess then twists her neck to talk at Solaria. "And Solaria. The firstborn of Vizzra - Matriarch of clan Valon. Both are powerful and reputable within our city. Their fates shall be decided here today."

You breath coolly, amazed at your own self-constraint. It seems like the encouregment you huntresses gave you really pays off. "First of all," the high-tribunal continues, "everyone but our guards have been disarmed when they entered this hall. Except for you two, hand over your swords until the procedure is over."

The priestesses of Tzset is probably the only party in any drow city that can be considered truly neutral to the quarrels and conflicts between the clans that dominate the political landscape of any dark elf society. Therefore they're the only faction you would ever voluntarily hand over your own weapons to, although you keep an eye on Solaria to make sure she does the same.

"Good," the tribunal exclaims and surveys the room. The soldiers of Tzset are close enough to intervene if either you or Solaria should attempt anything. And they are ready for it. "I shall now repeat the rules for all to hear. You are both to bring three items before the tribunal. A slave, a skull, and a artifact. In each category a judgment of the most valuable item is to commence. The one presenting the most valuable item shall be awarded one point - if the items are of equal value, no points shall be given. If the contest is a draw - you will be equals, co-commanders in every sense of the word. If any of you win by one point, she shall be deemed the superior commander. Under a victory by two points advantage, the standard rules of Humiliation shall apply - the loser shall be forced to kiss the toes of the victor. However, if one of you wins in every item and receives three points, she shall enslave the loser without restriction."

You can feel the air being sucked out of the room as she mentioned enslavement. It´s what´s on everybody´s mind. Humiliation is usually considered a punishment worthy of suicide but enslavement is something else. The thought of a firstborn being enslaved by her rival. It intoxicates them with interest.

"The first items brought forth where to be the slaves. Namely, the surface-Queen Faylin and her two twin daughters Iris and Isis who count as a one due to them being twins. Solaria has already proven herself to have solely mastered the surface-elven scum. Their royal hides crawled at her feet in a manner pleasing to any goddess. She is the undisputed winner of this part of the competition and receives one point.

There is no commotion at the announcement, since everybody already knew it. Your mother changes sitting position though.

"Bring forth the second item, the skull of a fallen foe."

Two women come forth from opposite side-entrances with the skulls in hand. The room is so silent that you can hear their footsteps, but the tension can be cut with a knife. They both present the skulls to a particular member of the tribunal. The member is the sole male tribunal, he is the reader of skulls. The man grabs both skulls and instantly can give his assessment on it´s worth.

"The skull brought to me by Daine of Char is a male general. In life he was loyal, skilled, a veteran of many battles, and charitable as well as possesing many other heinous surface-elven values. His death crippled the arm of our enemy" The man then begins to speak about Solaria´s skull. "The other was a female priestess. She was virtuous and wise, a hated servant of the surface-goddesses."

"Huh," The high-tribunal mutters at his words, "It´s an easy choice then not requering discussion. One was male, the other female. It´s clear which skull is more valuable. Solaria receives one point."

The high-tribunals frank and quick assessment reaches your ears. One point to Solaria. One point to Solaria. The thoughts make you feel dizzy. The crowd is in a uproar. Heated conversations ensure but no one disagrees with the high-tribunals decision. Females, are more worth than males. How could you have picked him?

Suddenly, it's very hard to stand straight. You begin to feel lightheaded, and the fear turns to weakness in your body. The last one is to decide it. The thought of Humiliation seems like a plesant one now. What if you lose the next one? The anxiety is eating you up inside. Flashes of what could happen race though your mind. Kissing Solaria´s feet. Or worse.

"Bring in the third item!" The high-tribunal shouts. All comments die instantly. You look to your mother. She has clenched her fist. Cold, soaking sweat begin running down your forehead. You tilt your head just a bit to see Solaria. The woman is licking her lips lasciviously.

It takes several servants to carry in the solid gold statue of Faylin into the room. But for Solaria´s item only one is required. The woman carries a crown in her hand. It must be the royal crown of Heartwood forest.

All the member of the tribunal gazes at the two items long enough to form their personal opinions. Then they huddle together, discussing silently among themselves.

"Please, let me win," you whisper in desperation. Never have you felt so helpless. Again your gaze falls to your mother, even she is leaning forward on her chair.

The tribunal has made its decision. The head-tribunal speaks. "The statue is a representation of Faylin the surface-Queen. It embodies her honor. Capturing the value of our enemies most important person. The crown - on the other hand - represent a mandate. It represents the power monarchs hold over their subjects. Thus, the crowd not only embodies all the honor and value of Faylin, but also of every Queen who came before her. Thus, SOLARIA HAS WON THE COMPETITION BY THREE POINTS!"

Several soldiers tackle you violently to the ground. The subjegution starts immediately as they wrestle you to the ground and work to restrain you there. Enslavement, it seends desperation running though your body. You struggle, scream, scratch and try to kick your assailants off you. But there are too many! Pinned to your back you can´t see the crowd or your mother. You don´t know if your screams of help affects them. Yet Solaria is the one to step into your field of view. The woman stands between your legs. She stares at you, her prideful glee filled with victory. The look of a goddess burns in her eyes. She ogles you like a pice-of-meat, like a fucktoy. "You where always powerless to stop this slave! Resistance is useless - accept me as your Mistress!"

"NOO! NOO! Help me!" You cry. "Help me! Anybody!"

The guards continue to restrain you. You aren't sure what´s happening in the crowd - although you think several fights have broken out. Yet no one comes to your rescue.

"Soldiers, cut her clothes off. I want to see my prize!" Solaria commands with a tone of mad eagerness.

"NOO! Please NOOO! NOO!!!" You cries for help turns to the pleading of a rape-victim as the soldiers cut your clothes off. Your massive tits are let lose. Their majestic shapes worth their weight in gold free for Solaria´s eyes. The guards also cut away your leather-pants, revealing your now shamefully flaccid yet huge cock.

"SIT YOUR ASS BACK ON THAT THRONE MECINIA!" Solaria screams and points to your mother. "I want you to see this! I want you to see what I´m about to do to your daughter!"

The high-tribunal voice comes next. "You are obligated to witness this Mecinia! Sit down or face the consequences."

The satisfaction flickers in Solaria´s eyes, and her attention returns to you. "Wizard, bring me the wizard!" From some reason she calls out for a wizard. You continue to try and fight back, but it´s futile.

An old man carrying a dusty parchment walks up beside Solaria.

"Listen to me!" Solaria screams to the crowd. "LISTEN TO ME!" She screams again and unbelievable succeeds in silencing them.

"See this!?" Solaria yells to the crowd and steps on your cock and balls. "AHHHGGGRRR!" You shriek in pain.

"Do you see this? Do you know what this is?" Solaria's word now definitely the focus of every drow in the hall. "This is a blessing. A gift of the goddesses!" Solaria steps off your cock, yet you still winch in anguish. "It is a gift given to clan Char from the goddesses due to their might. It makes the vielder into the ultimate drow. With all the superiorities of the female gender mixed with the cock and balls of a male specimen. Daine has never been a separate gender from us, she has only been a female vielding a male fuckstick. It isn´t a natural part of her, it is just a weapon like any others. A weapon to rape her enemies with. Yet now I have enslaved her! I have proven my superiority! Subjegated her to my will! Daine no longer deserves this weapon of the goddesses as a slave!" Solaria lets the audience linger on her words as she stares into your eyes. Her rock-hard, triumphant eyes penetrate you, they see your soul - naked in all its fear and panic. She continues, "I, only I, am now worthy of wielding this weapon. Wizard, start the spell."

The wizards start chanting in some archaic language unknown to you while he reads from the parchment. Solaria herself begins quickly stripping. Words of confusion come from the crowd at this turn of events and even you stop struggling in confusion at what´s going on. Solaria sheds every piece of clothing from her body and poses proud in her nakedness.

Then the magic starts. A blue light appears dancing around your cock. As the wizard chants continue the light starts glowing and growing as well as dancing faster.

"I-It burns!" you state.

At the same time the blue glow starts appearing around Solaria´s crotch as well. The light engulfs both your crotch areas as you feel something happening to your cock. It burns, it changes somehow!

"M-My cock! I-It´s disintegrating!" you state in absolute disbelief.

You feel your cock eroding away from your body. And as the blue glow ends and disappears from your crotch all that remains is a smooth, tight, pink, virginal cunt! A pussy! You have a pussy! Clitoris, labia, womb, ovaries and everything! Solaria has dispelled your cock and balls and left you with a perfectly normal pussy!

"GAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" you scream in horrid realization.

The glow ends at Solaria´s crotch also. And now in-between her loins hangs a pair of apple-sized hairy balls and a bull-sized cock with a purplish cockhead! It emerges fully erected and throbbing in excitement with pre-cum gushing out from the pisshole. Solaria´s smile has never been wider. "Now I shall fuck you slave!"


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