Making her put a little show on for you.

From Create Your Own Story

With such a delectable offer on the talbe you decide to have some fun. You pull your hands out of her panties and spin her around, leaving Stacy leaning against the counter top with her blouse and bra open and tits heaving as she replaces your missing hand at her pussy with her own. Stacy stares at you, desperate to cum and looking for you to provide the cock. “You know sweetie,” You start, taking a seat in a kitchen chair as you open your pants to release your cock. “I think you need to make yourself cum while Daddy watches.., then I promise to give you a good fuckin’.”

By the look on her face you’re unsure if she is so turned on she’ll do anything to cum or so pissed off that she is going to slap you. You prepare for either before she grabs her slacks and forcefully pushes them down. “Bastard.., you really want to see just how slutty I can be!” Stacy whispers through clenched teeth as she pushes her hand into her panties and grabs a hold of one of her breasts, massaging it and pulling at her nipple while you take out your cock and begin to stroke off.

As the show progresses and Stacy’s moaning gets a little louder you notice that she has glanced behind you more then a few times and you begin to wonder if you are the only ‘man’ in the house enjoying her performance. “Oh fuck.., I’m gonna cum! Oh God watch me cum for you.” She whisper, her eyes darting around so much that you can’t even tell if she is talking to you. It’s then when you see him, your son Timmy, in the reflection of the microwave. He is peeking around the corner of the stair case, ideally rubbing himself through his pj’s and watching his mother fuck herself silly, while her big tits bounce around for all to see.

Stacy is on the cusp of her orgasm and it's obvious this show isn’t solely for your benefit. Her glancing behind you and her rather abrupt change of tone makes you seriously suspect that her enjoyment is more related to the little peeping tom at the stair case rather then you. “Fuck! Oh yeah..,” Stacy moans, with her eyes staring straight ahead.

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