Take the beating you deserve

From Create Your Own Story

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You feel the janitor take a firm hold of your left asscheek, then whack, a stinging blow from the belt across the right. You instantly jump against your bonds as the burn grows in your cheek.

Whack! Your eyes water as the sting grows. Your shoulders ache from your hands being pulled behind you. To the side you see Megan take her beating, a barehanded spanking at the hands of Officer Brady. Her angry glare burns right through you, only to be broken by a heavy blow on her bright red ass.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Jim lays three quick blows on your ass. The right side of your butt is burning in pain, but as the pain grows, so does a tingle in your pussy. Jim now lets go of you left cheek.

Whack! Whack! Now it's your left cheek's turn. With each strike, your eyes tear up more. Your legs pull on the cuffs with each blow, digging the cold metal rings into your flesh. Through your tears, you notice Sgt Thompson adjust his growing bulge. He grabs you by the hair and looks you in the eye, then asks, "What kind of girl are you?"

"I'm so sorry."

"That's not what I asked." The sargeant yanks your long blonde hair and holds his nightstick to your face.

"I'm a spoiled brat! I'm a little spoiled brat whore! I'm so sorry."

"Better," he turns to Megan, "and what about you? What type of girl fucks a strange guy in a public bathroom?"

"A slut. I'm a..." Megan can't stop crying as Officer Brady's slaps are now accompanied by the occasional pussy grope, "I'm just a little slut."

The janitor contiues to beat your ass and thighs for several minutes, until they are thoroughly red and bruised. Traces of blood can be seen where the edge of the belt ripped into your tender flesh. You are completely exhausted, yet your pussy is starting to glisten with your juices.

"Please, Sgt Thompson..." You can barely get the words out.

"What is it, brat?"

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