R: "Are you my brother?"

From Create Your Own Story

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He takes a while but he finally answers the question.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Oh c'mon!" You say in a disappointed tone, "Why can't you just tell me, It's not like it matters, does it?"

"But it does, Richard." He replies in a surprisingly calm tone, as if knowing you were going to say that, " If I told you what my identity was, and you decide to choose yourself to escape instead of your girlfriend or your best friend. As soon as you take your first breathe of fresh air, you would head straight to the Police, and rat me out faster than the world record holder for the 100m sprint."

My god. He did plan this.

"So no, I will not reveal my identity. Although, I will say this. I hate you. I hope you die a painful death. I hope that killing your closest friends teaches you something. I hope that when you leave this place, you commit suicide from the guilt. I hope that one day, you will realise that what you've done, has caused all this. I hope that you realise that it's your fault."

That last line shakes you on the inside. "It's your fault" . What the hell did you exactly do to be stuck in this mess? Before you start to think deeply over this, your captor continues on.

"Well, I guess it's time to move on, right?"

"One more question?" You gamble.

Lazily, he replies, "Fine. But only this once."

"You said that last time. Dumbass."

"Alright, no more ques-"

"No-no-no! Here's my question."

A long pause, yet you can't come up with a good question.

"Nothing?" Your captor finally stops, "Enough with this, we're doing the second transmission."

"Hey! Wait a sec-"

"No, I will not wait another second. You've been wasting my time long enough. We're doing this now, or you're dead."

You hear some rustling on his side, must be turning on the other man's speakers.Who is this man, you begin to ponder in your confused mind. Oh how you wish that you could remember, but as of yet, you cannot. The voice finally returns.

"May I present... William!" He says with some excitement, "Now William, you have one minute to beg to your hearts content why he should choose your sorry soul. Begin!"

Silence. Why isn't he talking? Doesn't he want to live?

"I don't want to live," He finally speaks, his voice is deep and gravely, "So I will not beg. I am sorry if I am not entertaining you."

"Oh c'mon William! Don't you want to-"

"I said no! And that's final!"

After a few seconds, the captor finally gives up on William.

"Hmph, Well if you really want to die..."

Perhaps you can stop William and let him speak. Then again, you really just want to get yourself out of this forsaken place, and if William really does want to die peacefully, then so be it.

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