User talk:Platypus

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:37, 19 March 2012 by Apollo (Talk | contribs)

Since this page has become rather cluttered, I've moved old discussions to the archive page below. Feel free to leave new messages here. I'll get back to you ASAP!

>Add new comments below. Do not add new comments to the archive.

Whoa ^^ I get the feeling you're way stricter than my English teacher xp. My spelling and grammar skills are little more than readable I'm afraid. I'm not native English or anything so.. I'll try ^^ (it's only my third language)

It took me over 15 minutes to even figure out what you'd changed on some of those pages ^^, after figuring that out I was left stupefied as to what was wrong with it in the first place -_-. Looks like my grammar may remain beneath your expectations for quite a while yet.. (completely hopeless)


What do you mean 'title of the story?'

-- Apollo.

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