Arturia/Silky Dress

From Create Your Own Story

< Arturia
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Your father is counting on you to be a good woman and princess for your country, you feel you can't let him down and decide you should dress in a more feminine way than usual. You have a hard time picking any decent feminine clothes tough as you have never really paid attention to what women wear.

Adter some time rummaging trough clothes and not being able to decide on any, A few maids enter your room. You decide to ask their aid in your effort to appear more feminine. They get really excited and try to convince you to take alot of uncomfortable-looking dresses that nearly suffocate you, but eventually settle for a beatifull silky white dress. You also strap a hidden blade to your thigh to the great disappointment of the maids.

When you leave your room, everyone's gaze turns on you. They seem honestly shocked to see you in such a feminine dress and you receive many encouraging remarks. You start to feel flustered and feel the heat rising to your cheeks. You hadn't expected this much of a reaction from dressing girly - you always tought you weren't much to look at with your tiny breasts and muscled arms so you figured people would laugh at your attempt to look like a woman.

you are approached by one of the servants. You recognize him as Willem, you've seen him taking care of your horse before. He seems to have been waiting for you to leave your room but was startled by the dress.

"M-milady, Your escort party is ready and waiting for you to grace them with your presence downstairs." he manages to stammer out as he makes a deep bow while going red in the face.

You blush slightly, nod and go down the stairs, you can see your carriage waiting there, surrounded by about 60 people. You smile a little inwardly and think "almost the army i wanted to command".

Now, maybe you should go say your goodbyes before leaving?

There's no one you really feel obliged to part with

You go to where the crowd is waiting to say their goodbyes to you

Health 100 Equipment:

Silky Dress, Hidden Blade

Stamina 100
Mood Excited Inventory:


Purse 50, 00, 00
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