Pokemon: On Our Merry Way

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Route 202 was much different from 201. 201 had been a fairly open, grassy plain with few wild Pokemon. Route 202, on the other hand, was a narrow, windy dirt path through a woods, and crawling with Pokemon. Just a few hundred feet on our journey, and a bend in the road blocked our view of Sandgem. This was the first time on I really felt that we were on an adventure.

The trees were so thick, they shaded the path and made it much cooler. It was starting to get hot out, and the trees were very comfortable. We jogged off an on for the first couple hours, until we decided to stop at a small spring for an early lunch.

Everything was going fine. We had gotten the food out and had just turned back from watching our Pokemon splash around when I realized half a loaf of bread was gone. "Hey Jasmine."


"You did pack a full loaf of bread, right?"

"Yea, why?"

"Because half of it's missing."

"Hey! I didn't take it."

"No, I know you didn't, but half a loaf of bread doesn't just get up and walk away."

"Maybe our Pokemon can help. Starly!" Both of our Starly flew over to us. The rest of the Pokemon watched from a distance. "We need your help. Someone stole part of our bread and we want it back. Can you fly overhead and see if you can find it? If you do, have follow whatever is carrying it and other come back to us." The Starly gave a cry of agreement, then flew off, circling overhead.

Since we knew there was no point trying to eat until we got our bread back, we packed up the rest of our food, leaving a few snacks for ourselves and our Pokemon to munch on.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before one of them came back. I recognized it was mine, because it had a notch in its beck and was missing that stereotypical tuff of feathers that usually stuck up on there heads. It flew into my arms, and I fed it a little Pokemon food. "Did you find it?"

"Star!" it said with a nod.

"Show us, please." It immediately took off, and jogged behind it. I was just about to return Turtwig and Buizel, when we stopped. Both of the Starly were perched in trees around a small clearing. In the center, eating our bread, was a pair of Shinx!

I opened my Pokedex, but turned down the volume so only Jasmine and I could hear it. "Shinx, the Flash Pokemon. They usually live in large packs. They generate electricity with special muscles in their legs. They can release this electricity in a flash, allowing them to escape much larger predators." I closed the Dex, knowing that was all I would get from it. I turned to Jasmine to make a plan, but she had already run out to confront them.

"Hey you stupid Shinx! Give us our bread back!" They Shinx gave a cry of fright and acted like they were going to flash, but nothing happened. I opened my Pokedex again. "Sometimes weak, hungry or sick Shinx can not make a full flash." 

"Go easy on them, Jasmine. They are probably just hungry."

"I don't care. If they wanted some food, they could have asked. Stealing is wrong. I challenge you two to a Pokemon match!"

Pokemon:  Help Her Out

Pokemon:  Let Her Fight This One

Pokemon:  Stop Her

Health {{{Health}}} Pokémon:

Turtwig, Starly, Buizel

Level {{{Level}}}
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