Keep massaging her tits on the beach

From Create Your Own Story

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The woman is already beyond caring what the rest of the people on the beach think and writhes and groans under your touch. She cups your balls in her hand and squeezes them.

You slide a hand down her stomach and start to rub her swollen pussy from outside her pants. She starts to lose control even more and slides her hand up the leg of your shorts, grabbing your balls and rolling and squeezing them in her hand. You take this as an invitation to reach inside her pants and slide your finger along her slit. She is wet and spreads her legs slightly, allowing you to slide a finger easily inside. Her pussy grips around your finger and you start to slide it in and out rhythmically.

Meanwhile, she has reached further up and is stroking your cock between her fist. You feel your balls begin to tighten and tell her you're not going to last long. This seems to excite her even more and she climaxes with your hand inside her. Her pussy grips your finger so tightly that you can't move it until the waves of her orgasm subside. She tells you she wants to make you cum and pulls your shorts down. As your cock springs out of the top of your shorts she takes it in her hand again and begins stroking hard. It only takes a few tugs before you groan as your own orgasm takes over. She then surprises you even further by putting her other hand out, making a cup with it, and catching all of your cream as it explodes out of you.

As if it couldn't get any sexier. Her last surprise for now is that she begins to lick your man-juice out of her hand. It has oozed between her fingers and she deliberately licks between each one as she stares into your eyes. It is easily the sexiest act you have ever seen.

It takes a while but you realise that your ass is exposed to the rest of the people on the beach and a quick glance tells you that the couple nearby noticed what you were doing and are not impressed.

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