Approach Yeoman Rand

From Create Your Own Story

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You quietly approach Yeoman Rand. "Hello," you say softly. "What are you drinking?"

"Never mind," she replies with a smile. "What you really want to know is whether I'll join you for some... private time."

"Um..." you stammer. You feel your face turning red.

"Don't be embarrassed, Ensign," she giggles. "At least you had the dignity to pretend to be interested in something other than my body, and you didn't use a cheesy pick-up line." She rises and takes your hand in hers. You let her lead you to the lift.

"How did you know so fast?" you whisper as the lift opens.

"Your facial expression and the way you deliberately avoided looking at any part of my body was a dead giveaway," Yeoman Rand purrs with a soft laugh. You board the lift and the door closes behind the two of you. "Our quarters are adjacent. Are we going to your room or my room?"

Health Horny Location:

Federation Starship Enterprise

MP 0
Level 5
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