Pokemon: Choose Charmander

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:51, 23 November 2011 by Leech101 (Talk | contribs)

"Very well then," the Professor says before leaving to retrieve your Pokeball. You wait excitedly whilst he searches in some large cabinet. "Here we are now," he says, with a Pokeball reached out in his hands.

"THANKS!" you shout excitedly as you snatch it from his hands and stare at the ball expectantly...

"Press the button!" the Professor sighs.

As you press the button in the middle of the Pokeball a red flashy beam shoots to the ground, releasing your very own Charmander! You smile at it as it looks around, then wanders up to you.

"Okay get out of my lab, I'm busy," says the Professor anxiously. So you waddle outside with your Charmander right by your side, you both keep looking at each other.

What Now?

Go Show Mum!

Go Exploring!

Go Play With Charmander!

Pokemon: Start training Charmander

Health N/A Pokémon:


Level N/A
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