Go into Jessie's room and console her.

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Upon seeing how upset Jessica is, your heart melts. All of your previous plans of revenge evaporate and all you can think about is helping your little sister. You quietly slip inside and close the door behind you, immediately gaining your little sister's attention, and she starts to wipe the tears away from her eyes to pretend nothing is wrong. Heading to her bedside, you sit down behind her and wrap your arms around her shoulders, hugging her into your chest tightly and kissing her check softly. Jessie tosses her bear to the floor and stiffens up slightly at first, but after she feels your soft kiss on her cheek, she relaxes and leans back into your hug. “Sissy, what's wrong?” You ask in a whisper, still holding on to her.

Jessica gives a slight sniffle before responding. “I had a nightmare… I tried to find Heather but she wasn't in her room.” She sniffs. No, she's to busy fucking your twin brother, you think to yourself. Jessica's tears are another thing you can add to the list of reasons that this fact is irritating.

“It's OK, Jessie… I'm here now,” you console her, grabbing her favorite teddy off the bedroom floor and putting it against her chest, before grabbing the blanket of her bed with one hand while you hang onto her with the other. Jessie takes her plush best friend as you pull the blanket down, moving the two of you to lie down, then covering both of you with the blanket. “Shh… it's OK. Go to sleep. No more nightmares, tonight,” you reassure her, spooning her little body against yours tightly as you make yourself comfortable in her twin-sized bed.

Eventually, Jessica's breathing levels off, and you figure she has finally fallen asleep, but without warning her legs move under the blanket and wrap around her teddy bear. You freeze in place with an arm draped over her body as her hips slowly start to move. It doesn't take more then a few seconds for you to realize that she is actually starting to hump the plush bear as her breathing starts to pick back up again, combined with a low and almost constant moan. The movement of her hips is causing her ass to grind against your quickly hardening cock. The feeling of her lithe little body so tight against yours and the blatant sexual act she is engaging in is really starting to make you horny. You can't help but move your hips closer to hers, rubbing your cock against her, and it finds its way in-between her tight ass cheeks. Your movement makes her freeze, and then so do you.

After a few moment's awkwardness, Jessica's angelic voice breaks the silence. “Jakey…” she starts, using an out-of-date nickname for you that you haven't heard in months, “do you love me?” Needless to say, her question takes you a bit off-guard and it takes you a few moments to formulate your response.

As you consider how to respond, you mentally begin to take inventory of your current state. You're laying next to your 9-year-old little sister with one arm tucked under her head and the other resting on her supple little hip. You can tell by how thin the shirt is that Jessica is likely not wearing any panties under her sleep shirt, since you can't feel any panty lines. Your cock is raging hard, nestled between her tight ass cheeks, and visions of her naked body bouncing up and down on your cock are playing through your mind.

How do you respond:

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