MOTDE: Command the Queen to give you a tit-fuck first B1

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The Queen gulps at your words. "Y-Yes Mistress, as you please."

"No! Sh-She can´t be serious!? A tit-job, th-that´s something only males..."

The crowd does not know of your phallic, blunt weapon yet, so when their Queen starts rubbing her soft cheek against your crotch they are both baffled and humiliated at the action. The bulge in your pants quickly grows, outside of the surface-elves view. But the Queen feels it´s warm, threatening hardness and emits a moan in false pleasure. You haven´t just blackmailed her to humiliating herself before her subjects, but also into pretending she likes it.

Her long, thin, feminine fingers reach for your pants, and with a shaky grip unbuttons them to liberate your semi-flaccid cock.

The reactions of shock and fear are instant. The high-class and civilized surface-elves scream like frightened children at the sight of your black, beasty cock. To them can only be the work of a demon, the thought of a woman with a cock is completely foreign in their peaceful and orderly world. The Queen falls backwards onto her butt, in awe and dread at the return of her bull-sized violator.

"Get to work slave, get my fuckstaff hard then spraying seed and I might consider collaring your miserable hide!"

The Queen gulps again, now loudly with a indecent, guttural sound. "Y-Yes sex-Mistress Daine."

One of her loyal supporters shout out, "no don´t! We beg you Queen Faylin!" But the regent does not listen, she genuinely believe you have her daughters, and that you would kill them if she disobeys. Her soft and warm hands gently wraps themselves around the base of your ebony, fuck-prick and laps the head with her tongue.

To the congregated enslaved, but not tamed, high-class elves this is unreal. A woman with the genital of a male, that possesses a size, widely surpassing anything a male of their race could ever achieve, is being sucked-off by their naked and willing Queen!

"S-Such perversities, how could the goddesses allow this to happen!?" Someone shouts out in disbelief.

"Th-The forced me to do the same last night! This really is the end! they will enslave us all!" Another one screams.

"Y-You black bastard! Get your demonic she-cock out of our Queen!" The last witness gets her buttocks smacked by her Mistress whip.

As your cock steadily rises and hardens to its full-blooded, throbbing shape, the dark elves allows most of the defeatist, surface-elven wails continue to fill the throne-room. It pleasures them hearing the despairing lamentations of their enemies, and so do you. Only the ones insulting your race or character are punished with the whip.

With your ink-colored, prideful, meat-club fully erected the Queen continues as orders. Her tits are still wrapped with the silky, ribbon that presses her breast-meat together. She elevates the twin fun-bags above your cock and then lowers them down in-between your jutting cock-shaft.

Despite no natural opening, and the added tightness due to the restrictive, green ribbon, your fuckstaff easily slips in-between the two sun-tanned mammaries. The soft and elastic texture of the tit-meat enables your big black cock to press through the narrow opening. Your dickhead pops out of the top of Faylin´s cleavage and bumps into her face. Despite being taken aback and disgusted by the monstrous penis in-between her breasts, the Queen follows orders. She begins repeating the motion, sliding her breast up-and-down the wide girth of your black shaft. The mother-of-two brings her bulging udders as low as your black balls, and as high as your purplish cockhead. The twins smoother your cock from all sides, and the friction from the movement stimulates it lewdly. Soon the pre-cum from your cock lubes the passageway between her breast, the bobbing goes faster, and makes wet, sloppy sounds.

"Yea this Queen of tits lives up to her name alright," your cruelly grunt. "Now, slurp my cockhead with your royal tongue. I want that cum-disposal-hole working at full speed!"

"No!!!" Her subjects implore her not to be a dirty cocksucker, the cannot bare seeing their bellowed Queen be reduced to your personal cumbucket. But the Drow´s let their pathetic pleads continue, for as soon as you give the order her lips enclose on the tip of your cockhead and suck on its hard, round surface.

The Queen slurps your engorged helmet while scraping her melons against your cock-shaft. You address the slaves directly. " "Uhhh. Yea! Your Queen is a natural cocksucker! No amount of pleading could get her off a bull-sized fuck-stick filled with boiling cum!" Your words are meet with screams of denial. In response you slap Faylin´s head and tell her, "speak to your subjects bitch, tell them about my glorious she-cock!"

"No! We don´t want to hear..." One of the kneeling subjects shouts, but the Queen pops her head off your helmet and says.

"I-It´s huge, big as a stallion, and b-black as c-coal." She admits while the background noise of wailing surface-elves continue to flood the room but not drown out her humiliating words. She quickly returns to massaging your pride with her mouth.

"Hahahah! Come on bitch, even the dumbest cunt among your subjects can see this is the greatest fuck-stick ever to plow one of your peoples tight pussies! Give them the intimate details," you proclaim with a wicked grin.

"I-it´s relentless, n-never satisfied and always hungry for a fuck. The sp-sperm is s-so thick, a... and plentiful. And the smell is h-heavy, like animal musk."

"Come on, put some passion into it whore. Describe what you're doing like a professional prostitute!"

The Queen answers with a spicy, hot, fake voice, "Ahh, I am slurping your cockhead with my mouth Mistress, and massaging your beautiful black shaft with my breasts."

Despite being satisfyed with her words, you simple command, "hold," , and wait for her to look up at you with her emerald eyes.

"That´s wrong you stupid cow. It´s not your breats that massaging my black conqueror. What I have is breasts, these are breast." You say and cup your massive round jugs of flesh with a prideful glee. "These are meant to be admired and respected, symbols of my grandeur," your voice then turns loud and scornful, "what you, and all you pathetic surface-elves have, are called mammaries, tits, melons, udders, fuck-bags, or any other slave names. They are meant to arouse and pleasure your owner, to be cruelly fucked and played with for your mistress amusement. Never, EVER, refer to what you have, as breasts. Always refer to them by their proper slave names, if you don´t then I will flog you until your skin falls of and then have you gangraped by my dogs!"

"Y-Yes, I´m pleasing you with my huge udders Mistress Daine," Faylin says, despite haven been humiliated, with the same lustful voice as before. Then she gets back to sloppily sucking your cockhead and smothering your shaft in-between her fleshy orbs.

"Uhhggg," you groan again, being milked like this makes your cock stir in pleasure. It´s impossible to hold off an climax for long with Faylin´s two fun-bags at work. But you´re determined to humiliate her one last time before dumping your load on her.

"Your late-husbands cock, how big was his cock?"

She stops her tit-fucking, you slap her for her insolence. The entire throne-room is struck silent in shock over the nerve of that question.

"Tell me how big your mate´s cock was surface-Queen!" You yell threateningly, and with great resolve.

Faylin´s face falls into a grimace of utter anguish as she raises her hand and spreads her tumb and index finger apart a little, signaling the size with the motion.

You burst out in laughter at her gesture. "There isn´t a creature in the underdark with such a small penis!" You shout. The rest the dark elves join your laughter. "That´s practically a goblin-sized penis for goddess sake! But I bet it´s huge by surface-elven standards!?" You ask her mockingly.

The Queen groans in frustration before responding. "Yes Mistress Daine. That is correct... it´s big." A lone tear travels down the Queen´s cheek over the honor of her late-husband.

You slap her face again. "Good, now get back to tit-fucking my shaft you lazy whore! Make me cum all over your face slut!"

She burns red in shame. "Yes Mistress Dane," and promptly returns to milking your shaft.

"Uhhhaaa, Yea I feel your tits and tongue on my pleasure-rod. I-I'm going to explode all over your face!" You get up off the throne and step to the side of Faylin so that her subjects can see you spurting all your seed all over her. You adjust her head accordingly, face pointed to your cock. With the climax so close you furiously jerk your fuck-stick and aim at her head.

"Uhhhaaaahhhhh! Cumming!" The warm baby-making stew sprays out of the glans of your bull-sized cock. You hose her head down with several strings of sticky, white spunk. She knows her subjects are watching every splatter of thick, gooey, cum blasting onto her mature, motherly face. The Queen is truly humiliated by being covered in the bodily fluids of her mortal enemies.

"Now that´s the proper look of a surface-elven Queen. Covered with her owners sperm!" Following your words you pick up the black collar. The Queen closes her eyes as you bring it to her neck, and grimaces in sorrow as you attach it around her small throat. "Get up and address your people my sex-slave! I think they want to hear where your new allegiance lies!"

Even in this disgraced state the Queen oozes sexuality, they all see it, and it pains them, knowing just how that sexuality will be forever plundered and exploited for your hated arousal.

"I, Faylin, Queen of Heartwood forest, declare that I am a sex slave! My cunt, ass, udders, are all property of Mistress Daine of Char. I am her slut, I am her whore, she owns me like a dog!" She screams out despite lacking total conviction in her voice. She is thoroughly ashamed of her words, but speak them for the sake of her daughters.

"Good," you snicker, "now inform your subjects what will happen to them." You told the Queen your plans before the cermony so that she specificaly could be the one who broke the news to her subjects.

With a heavy heart Faylin then proceeds with the next part, "you now belong to the Drow that enslaved you! All ties of loyalty and service to me are void by rights of conquest. At nightfall we will be herded by our new Mistresses across the forest to a teleportation gate leading to the glorious Drow city of Velzaria. There we will spend the rest of our lives as sex-slaves for the Drow population. Many of you will be sold at the grand-market. Be proud if you fetch a hefty price, for that is how you serve your owners. Now, you will be led to other groups of slaves by your owners, and there you will tell them what transpired here. Tell them... tell them their Queen is a whore!"

"Oh dear goddess this is the end! It really is the end!" The final announcement breaks several of the surface-elves. Their face´s falls beyond despair. Without hope they see a bleak, painful future as eternal sex-slaves for a sadistic Drow mistress.

Immensely satisfied you sit back down on the throne. Proudly you address the Drow´s in the room. "The ceremony is over, the victory of Velzaria has been firmly established. Go now, and do your parts, teach the other slaves what happened here. Represent Velzaria and tame your catches."

The Drow´s begin slowly herding their naked slaves out of the throne room. You remain on the throne, watching with great amusement as you order Faylin to lick up all the valuable spunk stuck to her head. She grudgingly follows your orders, and as she completes them says with a great sigh, "what more do you want off me? You have already raped me, and humiliated me in front of my subjects. You drag me around on a leash like a dog. Can´t you just let me... d...d"

"Die?" you finish.

The Queen swallows hard. The pain in her face tells you she grieves considering it. Conflicting emotions, wanting to die, but also to hope. All while being flooded with sensations of humiliation and lust.

"B-b-," she´s afraid to ask. "But why?"

You reach for the Queen´s head and grip her chin in your hand. "Because your people refuse to admit us as the Master-race! You belong at our feet, slavery is your natural place in this world! You weren't born to love freedom or care for your children, you were born to serve and pleasure us with your weak bodies! Your tongues are for licking clits, mouths for sucking cock, breast and asses to be toyed with, and cunt´s for accepting as much seed as possible!"

The Queen recoils at your word.

You grab her newly fastened collar and drag her into a sloppy kiss, licking her insides with your long and agile tongue. "You will be trained to enjoy this," you say in-between munching on her wet lips. "And so will your daughters," you say and break off the forceful kiss.

"And remove that prostitute-outfit! From now on you´ll only wear clothes if I say so. A fuck-slave don´t need to hide her assets anyway!" You command her with an evil voice.

Still sitting on the throne you watch the crow of dark elves lead their slaves out of the room. Then you spot someone standing still, you quickly identify her as your huntress Riki. She leans casually against the wall, a small and slim woman with a body made for espionage. She has a smooth, intelligent-looking face, with some sexy and focused blue-eyes below a pair of naturally alluring eyebrows. Her large, pouty lips could easily be seen as her greatest sexual asset. She notices you noticing her, so you gesture for her to come over.

"An excellent performance as always High-Huntress," Riki says with a short bow.

You acknowledge the bow, and realize that you don´t have any other obligations or plans for today. You ask Riki, "huntress Riki, do you know where my other huntresses might be?"

"Hmm, why yes High-Huntress, I know of a few. Our new second-in-command huntress Trix resides in the west-wing of the palace, in the ambassadors chambers. Huntress Rainye is in the opposite end, taking up resident in one of the shrines dedicated to some pathetic surface-goddess. Silvir I saw earlier heading for the market district. Apparently there are some festivities there."

"What about the whereabouts of my sister Treccia?"

"I haven´t seen her since last night High-Huntress." Riki informs you.

"Hmm," you ponder without any real worry, "and what about that bitch Solaria?"

"None at all High-Huntress. Not even our best spies have located her, or even found any resonable rumors. We do know however that clan Valon has set up headquarters in the largest temple in the city."

"Hmm," you consider your options for a moment. "Good," you then say and thug the leash to harass the Queen´s attention. "I think I´ll go meet them, it will be a good opportunity to show off my freshly collared slave."

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