Story Reviews

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:04, 1 October 2011 by Heyoeveryone (Talk | contribs)

Hello, and welcome to the Reviews section! Why was this made? Well for two reasons actually:

  • To encourage writers to continue writing
  • To increase publicity for stories

Now, this section is still new and I am right now figuring out how I should set this page out. So if you would like to help me, by all means go ahead. Reviews will be rated out of ten, with ten being the highest.

If you have a question concerned with this section, just ask Heyoeveryone, and he should answer it as soon as possible, if he doesn't, ask Platypus.

Latest Reviews!

Just place your link and a small preview at the top. Reviews must be at least a paragraph long.

Title: War Pigs

Author: AgentVincent

Pages: 77

Reviewed By: Heyoeveryone

Archived Reviews!

Reviews that have been on this page for a certain length of time get moved here.

How To Review & Rules to Reviewing

Self Explanatory, you must read this if you are planning to write a review on a certain story.

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